Eric Heiss

" T W I N . P E A K S " . Beautiful and relaxing yet romantically HAUNTING. The music, done by New Jersey's Angelo Badalamenti was obviously related to the shows other music (he did all the music for the show) ; for example the sensual, "Audrey's Dance" (when Sherilyn Fenn allures us in the diner) so hearing the

:) "Down easter 'Alexa' " by billy joel would be a much better pick for that show.

(and as usual the Germans are set as the horrid, mean, evil enemy.) (It was not the Germans that were favoured to win in that Olympics, it was the Swiss (and win they did). Hollywood will place the Germans as 'very evil' no matter what, be it terrorists robbing a corporation ('die hard 1 & 3') or a movie about

(a big 'thanks' to my friend Lesley E. who told me about debra winger in 'Made in Heaven' b4 I knew about it.).

These are all very good, though I am shocked that Debra Winger in "Made in Heaven" is at number 11. That secret was kept pretty darn well for well over a decade. Not just the make-up/over all appearance, but her/his voice. The voice is always a quick tell-tale when a Woman (especially) is playing a Man. Debra

Hello fellow humans. My favorite song of the year is either "Montreal" or "Gaza" both by *MARILLION* (both on their latest album, 'sounds that can't be heard'). "Gaza" is the dramatic / very Very important song. Most people have not a clue as to what is really going on at/inside the Gaza strip - the lead singer of

"KISS- are 4… and their Jewish guys…..- - because they were Jewish." ? Paul (paul stanley Eisen) & Gene (Chiam Wicz/gene klein) are Jewish but both dislike religion and do NOT practice being Jewish. (Gene will use it to argue, but obviously not practicing and admits that. Ace (Paul) Frehley is not Jewish.

Quick smiling thought, these famous people are all from (or generally raised in) New Jersey - - I have never heard any type of, "Yeah baeh-bee! In da wivah (river) ya frigg mamalook, A-O, O-A !!" accent on them;

Well stated cjob3.  I wrote a similar entry a little bit below.  When I travel to other states and countries I have people tell me things like, "You don't sound like you're from New Jersey(?)".  I ask them, 'have you ever met anyone else from NJ?' - their answer, "well, no."   :)       Simply sharing a border with

Sadly ever since the horrid, "Jersey shore" show (about kids, most all from staten island, long island, etc) people who do not know New Jersey have been jumping on the (this) band-wagon of doing a horrid I-talian-American noo yawk accent and then calling it New Jersey.  I have not seen the movie so I shant delve too

Replying to ourselves here.  We replied here a while ago and mentioned our
type-o (mixing-up 1 name who owns another) then also placed a huge amount of
text and yes LINKS showing how Time Warner & Newscorp (Comcast) & ViaCom
do MANY deals together. - It was then removed for having too many links.  Just
as DD sited

Yes there is OBVIOUS nepotism in Hollywood land, that is just a matter of who chooses to admit to it  (see also: seth macFarlane hosting oscars doing the 'Ted' voice saying, "I'm going to change my name to something Jewish to get into the business" (when talking with marky mark wahlberg) - - - However, Gene Wilder's

Well that was rude.     You have to look deeper than what they choose to tell you. Investigate on your own.  Example: Who owns Time Warner? (ComCast).  Who is ComCast direct partners with? (Fox/NewsCorp).  Hence all the fighting that was done with "comcast" (using that name instead of newscorp) buying out NBC/MSNBC &

Really sad that most of ya'll can not see that it is no longer 2 parties against each other.  It is one group controlling both puppets.  If you pick a side and stick-up for 'your team' - You are just a sheep.  Most all of them are greedy $ & power hungry "zombies" w/only the "me, Me, ME!" attitude.  Only support those

Let's state the clear truth here on bill Maher. He used to look into 9/11, and long before most did.  He stated some obvious truths, like (when just fired from 'Politically inCorrect' for speaking about 9/11 in a "negative against 'our guys' way"), "Everyone failed at their jobs (talking about NSA, Air Force, Air

Denni$ Miller said about Bu$h jr., “I like him. I’m going to give him a pass. I take care of my friends."   Dennis Miller obviously fell for the b.s. of 9/11.  The 'magic passport' story, really Dennis? Really? 

Shame on you billy ray.  Actually blaming David Lynch???  If this has not blown anyone's mind, please think about it.  "Mullholland drive" was released in 2001 and shot in 2000.  Miley was born in '92, thus making her around 7 and a half years old at the time.  (done.  but if your fluoride covered brain needs more…)