Eric Cheung

“Sapient” is actually correct here, as Thanos seemingly intended to wipe out half of all intelligent beings. Not all sentient beings are sapient: sentience implies the ability to feel, while sapience implies self-aware intelligence and wisdom.

Her role in the BTTF franchise was hardly a step forward in her career. She was the barely-there “love interest” who was written out of the action even more abruptly and cruelly than she was in KK.


 Bring back Stacy Abrams, I want to see the racists cry again. 

Well no, you said “Goes? Wasn’t he already the worst kind of watered-down goth, emo?” - So I think asking “Have you seen Robert Pattinson in any non-Twilight movies?” is a completely fair question, because that’s what you made it sound like. Didn’t seem like Jesse was trying to “make me into one of the sides in that

Have you seen Robert Pattinson in any non-Twilight movies?

There is shit we can do it’s just that the wealthy have no interest in doing it.

Personally, I trust straight cis middle-aged white men on the internet, the only group of people calm and rational enough to see that everyone else is always overreacting all the time.

We can mathematically prove that video games do not cause randomized violence but that hate speech towards demographic groups does increase hate crimes against those groups.

And here we go once again folks for Dino Ironbody’s contrarianism where he claims to not be supporting bigotry but he has “concerns” about the people criticizing the bigot in question.

The character designs are ugly (Wednesday, for one, has an eggplant-shaped head)

Despite not remembering the 60s at all, I found the original show very relatable, nostalgic and affecting. It doesn’t need to take place EXACTLY when your childhood was to work. It just needs to be done well.

Murderer, yes. Cold-blooded? No. She was emotionally, and potentially telepathically, manipulated to do it.

I want the fanservice nostalgiapalooza, shot for shot remake of TNG I have had in my head since 1995, and if I don’t get it I’ll scweam and I’ll scweam until I turn blue.

Oh, don’t do that. Homophobia doesn’t literally mean scared of gay people. The phrasing is also used to refer to dislike or prejudice. This isn’t new, and you’re being disingenuous.

Whatever else the movie did wrong, the idea of ‘TLJ ruining Luke’ from ‘hardcore’ fans is the most hilarious misunderstanding of Star Wars characters, lore and philosophy they could muster.

I saw that movie in the theater as a teen. Me and a buddy were talking before the movie, using R-rated language, not noticing that the guy in front of us had his kid with him. His about 6-year old kid. At an R-rated movie. We mostly didn’t notice the kid because his head was way below the seat level.

And not one of the weirdly charming ones, like Quark or Rom, either. Friggin’ Liquidator Brunt.

I get that point, but casting and creation isn’t done in isolation of all the cultural biases. And also while the final product is the most visible, the whole process is pressured, that’s the writers and execs as well as the cast as well as the characters. There isn’t an “objective” casting so many corrective process

My first instinct, as a white dude, is to defend these specific episodes and incidents as well, and point out how they’re actually lampooning blackface, etc. But the fact of the matter is that blackface jokes, even if they’re making fun of blackface or come at the expense of obviously racist characters, still