Eric Cheung

lol this is impressively wrong.  Miller would not make a Max film if the studio or “everyone behind the scenes” told him how to make it.  He owns that world and does what he wants with it, always.  It was all George Miller. Why you think there was some sort of studio interference is beyond me. Max lives in Miller’s

This is such rat-brained bullshit. According to this utter nonsense, the people who made Fury Road, who have the IP rights to Mad Max, were determined to make a post-apocalypse movie that was decidedly NOT Mad Max, and realized that people would only see it if it was a legacy sequel to a series 20+ years in the past.

Neither did I, I said it was an incredible movie. Arguably one of the greatest action spectacles ever filmed.

“Brutal to have to read an article referring to one person as ‘they’ multiple times.”

If you could record yourself talking, you’d notice yourself using “they” to refer to a single person probably multiple times a week, and in none of those circumstances would you be confused as to whether it was one person or multiple.  Also, if you “get” that “she” wants to be called they/them, then call “her”

Brutal to have to read an article referring to one person as “they” multiple times.

are YOU gonna be okay, you sound like a whiny bitch?

I’m sorry you can’t parse proper English because the anti-woke crowd broke your mind to how pronouns work.

Yeah that must be so brutal for you. You gonna be okay?

I think it’s fair to criticize distributors who aren’t even critics. They’re money people: marketers. They recommend movies that they believe people already want so we get movies that resemble each other. This doesn’t seem to encourage novelty.

because this is so short sighted. “The movie is GOOD” or “The movie is BAD” or “the last GoOoOoOD moViE CoPpOla DiD wAs drAcUlA”. No, the important thing here is that he has a point of view, an important one, and failed ambitious films are something very good to have. The talk about good or bad movies is infantile and

Seeing how modern governments act from the Cold War on, it’s not silly in the least. One last dick measuring contest while the world burns.

Buy physical media, people. Do not trust streaming services. If you like a piece of media, buy it to own.

Discovery took Star Trek in new directions—especially in its later seasons. I hope some of the fans who wrote it off when it was on decide to give it another chance in the future, like they did with DS9.

The show dared to shift focus away from senior officers on a Starfleet posting, by focusing on one person’s growth...

I actually really enjoy this series. I know it’s super cool to hate it but I like the cast, I like the story, and I like butts. Wait, no, ignore that last thing.

flexing on everyone in the audience, recalled that his first film credit was in a Clark Gable movie.

I liked seasons 1-2 a lot more that most people. I appreciate that they didn’t immediately go back to the well with the whole TNG cast.

Counterpoint: Unlike the rest of the cast, his schtick wore off fast and the writers had no idea what to do with him in later seasons.

I think Craig’s ridiculous accent is part of the appeal of this franchise. We all know he doesn’t really sound like that, and in fact nobody really sounds like that, but he’s having so much fun in character that it makes everything around him more fun. It also establishes a kind of hyperreality that causes all the