Eric Cheung

Best Bernie band is easily, easily Run the Jewels

Not that I’ve seen the last movie, but shouldn’t that be JJ’s fault? In TLJ, Rey’s response to Kylo’s “Joim me in ruling the universe together” plea is a hard pass.

They’ll make their attack to have their revenge but maybe a new fandom awakens afterwards.

Rose’s line in TLJ about how they’ll win by saving what they love, not by destroying what they hate, also turns out to be prophetic - as that’s exactly what happens at the end of Rise of Skywalker with Rey and Ben.

TLJ, which was a great film, but it did serious damage to Finn’s character

I still haven’t heard a coherent criticism of TLJ that couldn’t be leveled against the Original Trilogy.

I am one of the few people that didn’t really hate the Canto Bight sequence. People act like it was the death of cinema when it was literally only 11 minutes of the film (yes, it’s been timed).

The Jabba’s palace sequence in RotJ is almost 1/3rd of the entire film and it’s an episodic adventure that has little to no

The fandom really is a menace. 

She does have more purpose than falling in love though. The point of Rose’s character is she an idealist and her role in the narrative is to be the polar opposite of Benecio del Toro’s character DJ. Those two characters and their diametric opposition are primarily used to facilitate Finn’s character arc in the film.

The assholes always strike back after a period of new hope.

One fucking movie comes out that you don’t like, and from that you built this whole loopy idea that outlines the guy’s intent, his ability in his profession, and ultimately the point you want to make is about the most hyperbolic one you could make.

It interests me that as a life long Star Wars fan... that scene you snipped was my favorite.

Yeah! She should stop being outraged and just accept the sexism and racism of the old days when they couldn’t speak out! Remember when we didn’t have outrage from minorities and discriminated classes? Ah, those were the days. Now they want “equal rights”. Those complainers.

I feel so conflicted about Tarantino these days. I used to love his movies and thoroughly enjoy making fun of him as well, but since everything with Weinstein, Polanski, and Uma Thurman revealing how he essentially tortured her I just feel nauseous. Clearly he’s a filmmaker that incites a lot of passion in people and

I burned out on superhero movies around Spider-Man 2, though I’m still in for good sci-fi (ie Arrival). Definitely excited to see a big Hollywood release that is different from those instead of having to seek them out at the indie theatre.

Generally agreed, I assume, by guys who never actually faced Lee in a fight?

Well since the default fucking state of “movies” is superhero bullshit, I think it’s perfectly okay to get snarky about them.

I burned out on superhero movies about 5 years ago, so I guess it lasted for me. I recommend it. 

Yikes! As intense as that final show-down was, I didn’t find it nearly as intense and upsetting as Hopper beating up the mayor. I find it EXTREMELY off-putting when characters we are supposed to root for as good guys resort immediately to violence and torture to get their way. Beating someone up and threatening