Eric Cheung

I’ve seen some effort by the candidates themselves, but the dnc is trying to prop up the ones without any substance 

I’ve never seen the actual documentary, but I knew Rick Kenmore was a straight up riff on Pete Weber , with the ridiculous catchphrases (WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I AM! was an actual catchphrase of Pete), his “bad boy” attitude, complete with wearing sunglasses while bowling, coupled with the fact his dad was a

From the frothing mad First Order to the “we’re all happy to be reunited... even though we just lost thousands of our friends a few hours ago!” ending.

I hate to be the one to break the news, but if you don’t like plot holds and logical inconsistencies, you better watch out for this guy named George Lucas.

Not that I want to run the risk of re-litigating Last Jedi, but it’s also okay to not like a movie without going after the actors involved or even attacking RJ on twitter. “I don’t like this movie. I think it messed up the mythology. I don’t think I’ll go see the next one.” Is a perfectly acceptable response to ANY

Maybe they can still post comments or a review but if they don't have a ticket stub it won't count towards the audience score. 

There’s different flavors of Last Jedi haters. There’s the woman haters, the diversity haters, the woman/diversity haters, and the, um, plot-hole-perceivers. Which... I’ve said this before, as have countless other posts and blogs and YouTube videos but it’s no more “consistent” or “inconsistent” than anything that

I wonder if there would be any incentive for movie theaters to give out a “Rotten Tomatoes Code”.

I only want my stories about space wizards to make logical sense. 

Unfamiliar with Necar Zadegan, but man, she was amazing in this. 

Now playing

I respectfully disagree. The problem is that these same assholes are using bad faith critiques of movies to recruit new members into the alt-right. If we don’t draw attention to their modus operandi then we risk more people being drawn into it.

Reasons I dragged this episode:

I think Sorry to Bother You deserves to be on the list if only for its political commentary and probably my favorite plot twist of the year.

Here’s a video with Nina Turner, who also worked on his campaign and helped him construct his policy platform.Nina Turner

There are many places to investigate the policies proposals. But they’re proposals and not legislation because the neoliberals control the Dem party. I’ve given plenty of examples, but here is an article written by Cornel West, who campaigned for Bernie from the beginning. 

Are you saying that Progressives ignore black people? Because Bernie allowed BLM activists to speak at one of his earliest rallies, but HRC told a BLM activist that she had to run for office before she could express her opinion. Progressives march in protests, and HRC called black men ‘superpredators’. Our financial

I’m trying to tell you dipshits how to pick a candidate more likely to win next time.

You’re entitled to your own opinion. Not your own facts. I have seen him on numerous shows. I have not seen him bring up the 2016 election once.

Maybe next time choosing a nominee try to remember that personality and popularity matter, and that except in instances of a sitting president running for re-election, the ‘most qualified’ candidates have shitty odds of winning.

“ shows how our fandom, for all its differences, isn’t that changed in substance from what came before.”