Eric Cheung

That’s why I think it should have been Poe back at the base hanging out with Leia, and Rose on the adventure with Finn, Rey, and Jannah.

Poe was Leia’s protege anyway, so it makes sense for him to stay behind as a sort of general, while Rose goes off on another adventure with Finn, and gets to interact with Rey and

Yeah, Canto Bight was great. If I had to cut anything from TLJ, it would have been one or two of the Force Skype calls, and maybe tightening up the section when Rey returns up to the end.

Of course, this disproportionately affects women and the disabled.

Great interview! Give the haters hell, Rian!

But they won’t be dead. The effects are already here. And if we don’t cut our carbon output in half by 2024, we’ll go extinct soon after. And it may be even sooner than that:

I just discovered this show last week, when Ken Reid’s TV Guidance Counselor podcast’s Facebook page mentioned it. I binged the entire series in about 40 hours and have since tried to crunch the numbers to figure out the posting frequency, again, without clicking on every single video and checking the date stamp. It

Isn’t that what the green (or red) band card is for?

The Dundies showed up in the second season.

Looking at this, I kind of wondered if it’ll be on the soundtrack.

I’m going to see this movie tonight. I’ve been conflicted about it for a while. My girlfriend does want to see it, largely for the connection to the Manson murders, since she’s a big true crime fan, and we’ve watched more than one movie on the case, as well as read Vincent Bugliosi’s Helter Skelter.

Well, three members of Wings might have found out whether they got wings or not.

I’ve been saying that about my first name for years.

I’ve been saying that about my first name for years.

I've been boycotting since last year's strike. It ain't hard.

Doesn't it actually *save* time?

Too bad Moore wasn’t involved in ENT.

The guy who says “We need to accelerate the base” sounds like Ronald D. Moore himself.  I wonder if that’s a temporary VO clip for the trailer, or if it’s a small role he wrote for himself.

Isn’t the whole point of this series that stuff that’s cutting edge science now would be old hat by the 1970s, due to increased focus on NASA?  Knowing about water on the moon would surely have occurred by then, regardless of what application they have in mind for it.

Having just finished another rewatch, in preparation for Thursday’s streaming, I realized there are only three episodes dedicated to Ezri (Afterimage, Prodigal Daughter, and Field of Fire). It’s not that much. It only kind of seems like a lot because it’s out of the fifteen that start the season.

Yeah, I guessed that was a Commodore uniform, since he was likely promoted before the accident, which was still recent in “The Menagerie.”  I’m still not sure why they weren’t a variant of the uniforms from TOS, though.  I thought the TOS uniforms would be fleetwide, by that point.