Eric Cheung

Pike doesn’t get his radiation burns until 2267, ten years from now, because it’s a very recent event when Commodore Mendez lets Kirk know what happened.

If they just wanted to follow a formula then you’d have a point. But no show wants to do that, nor should they. If anything, the biggest criticisms against TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT in their earlier seasons was they they simply copy-pasted formulas from previous series.

Man, this was fun. I liked bowling before I liked anything else when I was a little kid. I was even in a league for like six years from kindergarten to fifth grade, though was never all that good, and would watch the local candlepin show followed by the PBA show on Saturday afternoons in the late 1980s with a bowl of

Same. I knew it was supposed to be Pete Weber, even before I looked up that he was one of the subjects of the real documentary.

There is no time for simply moving the needle anymore. Incremental change might have been enough a generation or two ago, but drastic change is necessary just to make the Earth barely livable in the next eleven years, let alone maintained at its current level of chaotic climate.

That’s the earlier draft when Daltrey & Co. were also erased from existence.

Sorry to Bother You and the films of “Asian August” seem like the most glaring omissions.

It can’t be upgraded to HD since it was shot on a video format.  There might be some slight upscaling, but it would be a minimal improvement compared to a contemporary show that would have been shot on film as a future-proofing measure.  It’ll look good, but not much better than it did at the time.

Most of the time I see Sanders now it’s either to debunk a promise Trump has broken, debate a single issue like healthcare, or propose something like Medicare for All, an importation of Canadian drugs bill, or throw support behind a candidate in a local race.  The only time I’ve seen him bring up 2016 is when

Ensign Ripper forever!

I’d love to share this far and wide. Have you articulated these thoughts on a blog or somewhere else?

Well just because the characters are ambivalent about whether or not the cyclical wars between the Light and Dark sides of the Force are inevitable duels between the dichotomy of a two-party system or if they should be transcended, doesn’t mean the movie is. The trilogy, and therefore the story, isn’t quite over.

Trek is a pretty massive part of my life, and yet I feel like the Kelvin films and DSC have helped me relax about the minutia of canon so that I can get better analyze why I got into Trek in the first place, it’s philosophy and characters. In my mind, if a new incarnation gets more people into Trek, and particularly

And Princess Leia’s a pretty awesome badass anyway.

Hardly. Trek is the only franchise I truly care about (and have since I regularly watched TNG and TOS as a kid in 1991) and I see toxic fandom there all the time. And that’s the one that’s most overtly about diversity and bridging gaps through communication and diplomacy. There are plenty of hateful fans that think

And the Ewoks and Droids cartoons, then?

Yeah, I loved the Canto Bight stuff for the same reason I tend to prefer Trek to Wars, the unapologetic real-world allusions criticizing the exploitation of others. While I think that most Star Wars movies suffer from pacing problems, and most people would prefer cutting this sequence, my choice of cuts for TLJ tend

Hux was dignified in TFA? I thought that his speech in front of those throngs was supposed to read as ridiculously over the top.

Nothing says fully-baked opinions like writing one word, then asserting that said word is “all.”

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