Eric Cheung

The car slipped looking for a place to crash.

Before Rogue One, it was never less than three years. The first two trilogies were always exactly three years apart between entries on Memorial Day weekend. Clone Wars was the first movie released theatrically outside of Memorial Day weekend.

Mary Tyler Moore really was more conservative than the shows she did would suggest. She rejected Gloria Steinem’s attempt to recruit her as a feminist advocate and moved to the right since her show. She was an important person in the movement, but it’s a bit complicated.

I can’t think of many things that are more political than money. Justice against racial profiling being less important than NFL money is an inherently political stance to take.

I assumed squid, Mon Calamari Cruiser, and so forth.

No. Ackbar is a meme, and makeup, not a character. Maybe he’s got an in-depth biography in the novels to rival Dickens, but then Holdo has a backstory in the novels too. If going just by the movies, Holdo was more developed in 35 minutes than Ackbar was in 35 years.

It’s too early to tell how much Tyler/Voq and Emperor Georgiou get redeemed, but the fact that the show clearly wants to show that there’s the potential for redemption for both means that they believe that nurturing is worth the effort.

I could be wrong, and just assuming that the data file Burnham sent to Saru included quantum signature data.

The Mirror Universe never made sense in any incarnation, so the producers have said that they wanted to use this to show how close we all are to going the way of our Mirror Universe counterparts, if given a different environment. The show is firmly on the side of people dictating their own fate. Lorca repeatedly said

Landry was the original security chief, then it became Tyler. Now that he’s out of commission, it’s unknown who will take his place (though Rhys would seem to be the highest ranking tactical officer available). Stamets is not the chief engineer, and Culber was not the chief medical officer. Burnham is a science

Information that anyone other than Saru, Burnham, and transporter tech knows about Emperor Georgiou carries a penalty of treason, unless it goes to a higher up, or Sarek. The crew may know about the Mirror Universe, but they weren’t entirely briefed on what Burnham went through.

The quantum signatures of the USS Defiant strongly imply that Star Trek: Discovery takes place in the same universe as that ship, which was from TOS in the Prime universe..

Where do you get that Tilly knows, if only Burnham, Saru, transporter tech, and Sarek, and the admirals know? Is transporter tech a gossip?

Section 31 exists already, and I liked Canto Bight. My cuts would have been tightening up the Force Skype calls and the lead-up to Holdo’s final gambit, but I certainly think the rest of what you said would be entertaining!

The holotech looks on par with Star Wars communicators, not the holodeck, the EMH, or the holocommunicators in DS9, so it’s still primitive enough, particularly when there are holograms of dead musicians at concerts right now.

If Starbase 1 is older than the Nero incursion then it exists in both the Prime and Kelvin Timelines. Its remains do look like the spacedock in the 2009 film. That’s likely given its low number, proximity to Earth, and that one of the proposed season five storylines for ENT would have involved building the first

Yeah, that’s why I want a show about it. It would certainly be a different Star Trek show. I’m frankly a little sick of all the shows focusing on Starfleet, so I think it could be interesting to see things more from the economic, political, and civilian sectors.

Even in TOS, they weren’t surprised by holographic technology, only holotech that was indistinguishable from reality, like in TNG. YMMV on the aesthetics of holotech, but they fit in reasonably well with Trek.

I’m pretty flexible with whenever, wherever, and in whatever situation, a Star Trek show takes place. It’s the execution that matters. And most importantly, I want the show some kind of hope for how humanity can solve the problems most pressing to people during the period a given show is produced. Now, it seems to be

Only Saru, Burnham, the transporter operator, Sarek, and the higher ups know about Georgiou. Everyone else on the bridge, and in the rest of the ship, only knows that Burnham beamed back.