Eric Cheung

And that schematic was the Defiant, which has had a century’s worth of modifications.

While I would have preferred TOS-style nacelles and saucers, the only ship design I have a major problem with is the D7. That’s such a specific ship that to show it as something that looks completely different seems like a gratuitous violation.

The direct references to the USS Defiant from TOS suggest that, not only does DSC take place in the same universe as TOS, but that they traveled to the exact same Mirror Universe as, if not TOS and DS9, at least ENT. I’d have to rewatch, but did they reference the quantum signature of the USS Defiant? If they did,

Maybe no TMP disco suits, but definitely DISCO exercise gear!

Denise is a woman, and the wife to Mike Okuda. Both of them are the continuity master masters of Star Trek.

Most of the pitches I’ve seen online for post-VOY series come off to me as even bleaker than DS9 and DSC at their bleakest. I like both DS9 and DSC, but I’m not sure I’d be interested in something where the UFP has to be rebuilt. I’m pretty sure I definitely don’t want a show where Earth is destroyed.

The argument goes, and I tend to agree, that by the time of VOY, the tech became a bit too magical. It would tend to be too easy to fix problems with tech-the-tech and therefore the characters would be less relatable.

Regarding the tech in this show, as a prequel: eh, it’s actually harder to justify the tech in TOS and TNG than it is to justify advanced tech in DSC. I mean, in early TNG, and in The Cage, they asked for actual printouts of reports.

“Yes, and” isn’t always the best possible answer in an improv situation. Sometimes “No, but” works too. The only thing that would be wrong would be to deny that something exists or has happened. TLJ didn’t do that. It just said that what you thought was important was a misdirection. Magic tricks would probably be a

That line holds the dates on the calendar together, internationally.

For one thing, it’s a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. There is no linear connection to real-world Earth technology. They could be much more advanced in some areas and far less advanced in other areas. That would probably be true, even if it did take place in our far future.

The reason Sanders would have connected was precisely because he was the only other populist in the race. His argument against Trump was to debunk Trump’s false brand of populism that exploits the correct diagnosis of the failures of globalism and stuff like TPP as an excuse to prescribe bigotry and scapegoating as

Last night’s episode was quite fun.

Well Rapp was playing a child at the time...

Both Dax’s party and this one seem like they pumped real music on set, instead of playing it to get people dancing, then shutting it off when they start filming. I know for sure the Dax party was shot that way, but I would guess that this party was too.

One of the criticisms the first season of DS9 got a lot was that most of the episodes were rehashed TNG stories. But the last time I did a rewatch, the pattern that emerged into my view was that the science fiction premises may have fit into TNG well, but that they were recontextualized in DS9, in a way that spoke to

Last night, I decided to catch up on the show, after the less-than-impressive “Pria.” “Krill” and “Majority Rule” were an improvement, as they lacked the more overtly sexist jokes that have plagued both the Berman-era and MacFarlane’s past shows, but they kind of highlighted why this show feels so minor, when compared