Eric Cheung

This might be the closest we’ve seen to a stand-alone character piece. It was a quieter affair, where we get some insight into Burnham’s relationship with Sarek, Sarek’s motives for his conflict with Spock, Lorca’s past with Admiral Doctor Cornwell, Tilly’s apprenticeship under Burnham, and Burnham and Tyler’s

One thing I like about DSC is that, unlike previous Trek shows, there isn’t a mandate that women alien characters conform to Western human standards of beauty. If you watch interviews with Berman, Braga, and Westmore, that was a priority they sought, even though they didn’t have a similar standard for men aliens. It’s

Oh man! I’ll have to keep on the lookout for that when I rewatch it!

In many ways, this was the darkest episode yet. But in true Star Trek fashion, there are shafts of light that shine through.

The Information

This was definitely the most Star Trek episode of Discovery yet. New life is sought out, life that reminds me a bit of Stranger Things, and that makes me worry about that life’s fate.

The crew has settled into a more comfortable groove where they can work together. They’re a little less on edge. And we get a bit

He reviewed TOS/TAS/TNG/DS9 and the movies.

It was the Horizon that left that book on Sigma Iotia, and that was in the 22nd century. That may have been a Daedalus-class ship NCC-173, or it might have been a civilian craft, like the ECS Horizon, Ensign Mayweather’s former home.

You saw four Trek shows, because you reviewed TAS! Apparently, TAS was where we first learn that Amanda read Spock Alice in Wonderland as a kid.

That's a good point. I just thought the type of enthusiasm was amusingly incongruous.

When he played Fenway, back in 2009, I went over there to listen outside on the sidewalk for free. We'd walk around, listening to the music, and suddenly he started in on Eleanor Rigby. This older homeless guy pumped his fist, "Yeah!" like it was a rocker like Helter Skelter or something, instead of a sensitive ballad.

When I heard there was an alternate history Civil War show, I thought, "You mean one where Reconstruction wasn't ineffective, but brought swift civil rights to former slaves?"

I was referring more to the comments he's made in interviews in the past, so I had a suspicion that the groundwork he was laying was a bit of a ruse. I'm glad to see that I was wrong.

I'm a fairly casual fan of Doctor Who, and even more casually a fan of the new show, so I feel almost unqualified to comment. But regarding representation, I think I have some thoughts:

Young_Rutiger, All fourteen of those entries are also white.

How about Eartha Kitt or Halle Barry?

Tell that to Jon Pertwee:

Well the AV Club called the Hartnell Doctor "Ebeneezer Scrooge: Time Cop," so it makes perfect sense.

That was her? I remember seeing that movie on TV years ago!

I know. The headline uses a definite article. Obviously, if they're referring to "the" star of the show they're not talking about the casting of the companion.