Eric Cheung

Graham Chapman was a doctor, but he's too dead to play the Doctor.

Well, the definite article strongly implies she's the Doctor, not "a" companion.

Fair enough, but there were also a few times where the Doctor was unpleasantly surprised by the transformation, and doesn't seem to be much in control of hair color, as the running gag would suggest. The Doctor's level of control seems to be pretty inconsistent, at least.

I actually think Ronald D. Moore finds a good balance between the Babylon 5 model and the Michael Piller model. Piller bragged about not plotting out the conclusion of two-parters until the first was done, but too meticulous planning can lead to writing oneself into corners when outside circumstances intrude on a

And 1/13 is roughly 8%.

Time Lords generally don't get to choose their next forms, with the exception of Romana I into II, right? If that's the case, even changing genders would seem not to be a choice.

This was an idea I had as well. It would have been fun for the next 50 years to be a dozen lives with Romana.

I had a bit of an Andy Kaufman obsession around the time Man on the Moon came out. So, yes, I have heard of Heartbeeps.

Except that it couldn't be included in the video as the words aren't in the correct order.

I was waiting for these two and didn't see them:

I think I didn't even realize it wasn't Pino until reading this review! I might have to rewatch the finale.

SPOILER WARNING: Carrie Fisher continues to amuse, irreverently.

Star Trek Beyond takes place three years into a five-year mission that started five years before Kirk Prime's five-year mission. That means it takes place in 2263, whereas the third year of Kirk Prime's five-year mission was circa 2268.

I think that choosing a song for Star Trek is tricky because it has to be optimistic without sounding sappy. It would certainly have been possible if they went with something more like They Might Be Giants or something. It would have enough quirkiness to undercut the sappiness.

If anything Star Trek, as we've seen it, is still far too restrictive, concentrating exclusively on the adventures of Starfleet. I want a show about planet-side civilians. I want a show similar to the fan film series Star Trek: Aurora. I want a show which parallels the reconstruction periods in the aftermath of

If the cloud is sentient, it would make for several episodes of Star Trek.

in the part!

Shatner and Doohan are Canadian.