Eric Cheung


I don't pack my suitcase as well as Vanessa Kensington.

I happen to think this is great! I love that the landing parties get environment-specific gear.

Bum Bum Tush

I think online virality predated this video by at least three things:

She might not have had any creative control on the show, nor a producer's credit, but she saved it because she liked it. Not all producers play a creative role. Some champion a show and invest in it. She probably deserved a producer's credit if she wanted one.

I've always wanted the show to go more towards the direction of its biggest influence, Barney Miller. I thought the show came pretty close in season one when there was a citizen superhero that both comes from real life, and is exactly the type of character that would encounter Precinct one-two in Barney Miller. I

I played the 9 real concerts 1 fake concert game on Facebook on Wednesday (my twist was that they were all free concerts with nationally known names), but nobody bothered guessing mine.

Hmm…reading the Wikipedia article, I stand corrected on the mystery thing. I had always heard that was shot. But the film certainly was much more sprawling and less focused on the Annie/Alvy relationship in the first cut.

I think TGGP's point was that they didn't in the case of Annie Hall. They found the movie in the editing.

My girlfriend turned me onto Jonathan Demme movies, as she was a fan. When we'd watch Something Wild, Married to the Mob, Rachel Getting Married, or even Silence of the Lambs, I noticed a connecting theme to his work, no matter how eclectic his range of genres reached. It seemed his protagonists were often people who

Even sweepstakes usually restrict contest entrants to people that haven't worked for the company, or are related to people who work for the company. Such a restriction should be in place for holding public office. It's no more arbitrary than age or even place of birth in an increasingly small world.

Sweet Baby Roy didn't necessarily vote for Trump, and might even have voted for Clinton. Again, there's the assumption that criticizing the campaign is the exclusive domain of non-Clinton voters.

There's no need to guess though. Check out Thomas Frank's books "What's the Matter with Kansas?" and "Listen Liberal" for a start. He's predicted this for decades through an analysis of exactly what you're talking about.

Constructive analysis of Clinton's campaign isn't exclusively conducted by people who didn't vote for her.

Trump seems to be waging a competition with her on that front.

The sad thing is, the Clinton campaign literally started by corralling reporters in rope. The media are cowards, complicit in selling the narrative corporations tell them to. Their coverage of every aspect of the 2016 election was beyond abysmal.

Yes, but the methodology matters, now more than ever.

One in which it took scheduling debates on competitive nights, removing or changing party status of voters who changed party and/or registered in time and correctly from the voting rolls without consent, covering Sanders for under 10 minutes by outlets like ABC News, the news media insisting on including