Eric Cheung

Plus, getting a third party to meet popular vote percentage thresholds would at least get them included in future debates so that there would be a greater diversity of perspectives on stage, whether the candidates would be viable or not. And if a third party built momentum, then a fourth could as well.

Trump's tactics on race were more that Sanders capitulated to BLM protesters by allowing them to speak, and even hiring BLM activists in high-ranking positions in the campaign.

I'm mad that Lessig qualified for the second debate, yet CNN openly courted Biden to come on by showing him an empty podium, that could have been used for someone who actually declared his candidacy.

Whether or not a competitive primary is good for a party, open primaries with a competitive roster of candidates not funded by corporations and lobbyists is better for democracy than a system with no primaries or little competition.

It's similar to the Kinsey Scale?

"I'm With Her" was a flawed slogan that only reinforced the narrative that it was about her. It would have been so simple to flip the slogan to "She's With Us."

I don't think the Johnson voters would have necessarily gone for Clinton over Trump. And across the country, Johnson voters tended to outnumber Stein voters by about 2:1.

If you do agree, then I'm glad to see a colleague in the fight for Ranked Choice Voting, that has volunteered and/or donated to local and/or national campaigns on the issue such as Maine's Question 5 last fall.

I actually thought "The Town"'s North End to Charlestown chase sequence was reasonably accurate.

The era of mostly black and white movies was not necessarily a better or worse standard. Back in the silent days, comedy pals Buster Keaton and Fatty Arbuckle would debate this. The latter argued that the medium of film was perfect for the 12 and under crowd, while Keaton argued that it could be for all ages.

They got flagged for a copyright violation, so they edited and reuploaded the video here:

Looks like there's another song that's doing something similar to the Walk of Life Project:


So you're saying Rickles faked his plane explosion death from down-thread?

I'm not really a stand-up anymore, but I think that's pretty close to my take. It's kind of cringey, but it's hard to hate him.

Buddy Sorrell and his wife had some dark secrets.

By sheer coincidence, Jeff Ross was today's guest on WTF. Since he was the first guest ever on the show, he was given a full interview in honor of episode 800.

I assumed his put downs were considered technical knock outs.

I kind of hope Newhart's eulogy consists of him "relaying" Rickles put downs from the "other end of the phone."