Eric Cheung

Your kidney would fail too if it was engulfed in the explosion of a plane!

Don Rickles played Mr. Potato Head. Of course he played Mr. Potato Head. He was the only character that wasn't computer generated!

Bob Newhart's best friend died.

With his mouth gone, now I have nowhere to store my luggage!

If you add up the population numbers, they add up to a number far closer to the US population of 3.247 million than the world population of 7.49 billion.

Generation X-Wing?

I tend to define "cynicism" as a paralysis brought on when realizing the world isn't just. That paralysis can manifest either in taking the path of least resistance or by abusing that unjust system. The latter tactic skewing toward your former definition.

The Silent Generation had a chance at capturing the presidency with Sanders.

Born in 1981, the first thing I did after college in 2003 was buy my first cell phone. During college, I used those calling cards you could buy in convenience stores.

The US doesn't, but there are two people alive from 1900 and one from 1899:

You might have to wait for Z for a few years as well.

This finally places some numbers on post-Millennial generations, though I think I would have moved Generation Z up to around 2000 or 2001, as either a post-2000 election or post-9/11 generation, thereby pushing Generation Alpha to possibly the present day.

The video says that no Silent Generation person ever made it to the presidency.

Was "It's a Wonderful Life" still dubbed in French, as in the scene where they watch the film in the hotel?

Yes, but it's pronounced "Throat Wobbler Mangrove."

Umm…Avery Brooks directed several episodes of the series, including "Far Beyond the Stars." And in that particular episode, he carefully guided the set decoration, in particular, Benny's apartment, so that it would authentically reflect the character. He was also responsible for the choice of beat-up ambulance at

Garak probably got Jake to switch to the earth-tone vests.

Yup, and Contact, Interstellar, and Arrival.