Eric Cheung

Even Tuvok brutally murdered Neelix in a holodeck simulation.

Jake's vests that he'd start wearing a little later were much better.

Well…sorta mob involved.

More importantly, the stretch goal from $425K on was to remaster select clips in HD, for use in the documentary. Though exact allocation isn't expected, they've raised nearly 213K more than that.

TCM has been my default TV channel for the past several months, but I haven't seen Robert Osborne nearly as much.

"Nothing lasts. I’m gonna be dead one day. So will the internet. So will Earth. Eventually, physicists currently believe, the universe will achieve thermodynamic equilibrium, at which point no work of any kind, by any definition, will be possible any longer. So it’s all rather futile, really."

Sorry if I indirectly spoiled the movie for you. But if you haven't seen it, I hear it's one of those movies that is supposed to reward repeat viewings (I rarely see films more than once in the theatres).

As I go to rehearsals or auditions for plays, I often dine alone after work out of convenience. Sometimes it's even in places with wait staff.

Today, Armond White broke the streak and made it a 99% rated movie.

You'll get no argument from me that minority outreach was a tragic blindspot, mostly because I feel like his policies were better than the other candidates on race, even if he could and should have been pushed harder.

I've been following politics since I was in sixth grade, during the 1992 general election. At the time, I grew up in a suburb of Springfield, MA, and was a right-leaning centrist, but was hard-core left on the environment and civil rights. When the George W. Bush administration started planning the preemptive war in

And Sanders did engage. The issue was more that he didn't have long-lasting relationships with specific minority communities because he wasn't on the national stage the same way the Clintons were.

Don't go in there Chris!

I thought he was a Culkin at first too, but then I realized he was Caleb Landry Jones, from Brandon Cronenberg's film Antiviral.

So far, both this and Keanu had cast members from The Carmichael Show! He was great!

I don't think I knew until Chris did, but I did think she was tone deaf in that scene at the beginning when she said her dad wasn't racist because he'd vote for Obama for a third time.

To those saying it's hypocritical of him to say this from retirement:

And the degree to which is was an echo chamber was not his fault, but the fault of the audience who cheered at the end of every sentence. He certainly didn't seem fond of that.

The media did that. They blew up that scream into something way more than it was, precisely because they were more interested in how the optics affected the campaign and polling than they were on Dean's then innovative fund-raising methodology and what his policies were.