Eric Cheung

It would take overturning that, or implementing Ranked Choice Voting, which is a fight in several states, including my own, Massachusetts.

This film was great! It had a perfect 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes until today. The review that killed that perfect score was of course from Armond White.

What's the first letter of given names got to do with it? What's that letter, but a second-hand identifier?


His elections, particularly his wins against Clinton, also proved that charisma, dignity, calmness under pressure, and the ability to write and speak with poetry are absolutely essential in order for Democrats to win.

While I don't like that Massachusetts has a fairly corrupt one-party system in local politics, given at least the state legislature is a virtual veto-proof Democratic lock, I kind of wish we voters would take that opportunity to foster a genuine third-party as an alternative to the current options of a Teflon

There was a slight clue as to how tamer it is on CBS than it was on Comedy Central, when Colbert gently reminded Stewart he was on CBS when Stewart said "anal."

And politics is covered like a sport instead. Most stories are about how something someone said will affect their chances in the election, not about how what they said is reflective of their policy positions or plans, and how those plans will affect human beings.

<—He doesn't turn off this minority! He was getting arrested for the cause of civil rights before I was born and has consistently framed the fight as an intersection with economic freedom.

Sanders has a hell of a hoops game, as he proved on the campaign trail. One of the big fears with McCain was that Palin would inherit his presidency if he died early. He's still going pretty strong.

They do still choose what to report based on what pleases their advertisers. There was very little coverage of Standing Rock. The coverage of black kids killed by police tends to favor raising doubt about the character of the victim. Black victims of Katrina were called looters while white people "salvaged."

TOS episodes didn't usually have B-stories. That was more of a Berman-era format.

During the primaries, I remembered thinking that in 2024, Warren would be the same age Sanders was last year. It made me think of the 16 years we could have had.

Except that's hardly the case. If there's a bias, it's in favor of the news media's advertisers. That means pro-capitalist, pro-conflict, and pro-pandering news media. That's what Stewart spent sixteen years railing against.

I imagine Jon Stewart's a Thomas Frank fan.

It was a reaction to Glenn Beck's low-turnout rallies, but more generally to the frothing rage of the Tea Party.

Is that one of your Chippewa Falls sayings?

I know this has been floated around as possibility, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a joke. The teaser shows signage that says "USS Discovery" on it.

I don't see this taking fourteen years. It's more like the delays for the previous three movies so far.

Are Andorian anti-human slurs just steak orders?