Eric Cheung

It's a basis for getting electrocuted, I imagine.

Not according to Greg Cox's novels we didn't. He integrated real-world events into a version of the Eugenics Wars that were sort of a shadow war.

I think it's still way to early to tell. I'll wait until I watch it to see.

Must go faster!

One of the things that attracted Nicholas Meyer to the project was that the show would be using a different style of storytelling. I assume there are at least three ships the show will cover on a regular basis, the two Starfleet ships, and a Klingon vessel.

No. I presume everyone's cast already. But that doesn't stop them from releasing the casting news slowly over the next few months.

Are you the steak he ate in The Fly? I'm not surprised by your antipathy.

I like how one of the Videodrome ones references a Blondie song, considering Debbie Harry was in that movie. And then another one references a Hall and Oates song, for some reason.

She's captain of the USS Shenzhou, not the USS Discovery. It looks like most of the casting news so far is about the Shenzhou, not the Discovery.

Well he's one degree from plenty of Star Trek through The Dead Zone. Michael Piller and son created and wrote for it, while Nicole deBoer was a regular.

Who ever said they were just cast?? Chris Obi, one of the Klingon actors, released a video two weeks ago with Maulik Pancholy carpooling with him. I assume everyone's already been cast, but they're doling the information out slowly.

I've wondered about that credit used in films. I bet it has something to do with the old studio system, and how studios would lend each other actors for specific films.

At this point, the root beer speech pretty much describes anyone who doesn't enable Trump.

A little something like this?

I think it's part of the same problem though. When you shift the person whose turn it is into the front-runner position, that's the definition of not listening to voters. It's trying to subvert the democratic process by shaming people into supporting that front-runner because they want us to believe the person with

Well, that's technically true the minute people even speculate on a candidate's run. My point is that a politician can't ever over-calculate to the point of getting called a robot. That's the point of no return. I can't recall a candidate that's recovered from that within the same campaign. Even Nixon required a

I was specifically referring to candidates who were referred to as robotic or calculating during their campaigns, not during the post-mortem. I was worried about Democrats choosing Clinton when I saw this article from the Onion:

It seems to me that most candidates don't only lose because they run as how The Daily Show put it "not just any 'anybody but Bush,'" but because they get the robot or overly-calculated jokes made about them. In 1988 that was Dukakis; in 1992 it was a variant in that Bush, Sr. was painted as weak; in 1996 that was

He actually did. There was a point where Bush said he had enough of Cheney's crap and stopped listening to him. A large part of the tragedy is that Cheney is a paranoid and sick individual, whom Bush enabled for about six years of his presidency, probably because he was too insecure not to seek his guidance. It

Having watched the special now, the joke is pretty damn similar.