Eric Cheung

American descent has little to do with whether or not someone is white.

Because, sadly, it's the white men in charge that need to be converted into hiring people of color to direct. This is a pretty big deal.

Your $12.50 is being direct deposited this afternoon.

Back in the 90s, a movie was considered a smash hit if it crossed the $100 million threshold. Breaking even at $300 million is not something that can be explained by inflation, which has actually be relatively low this century. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Well, they wouldn't have to do it to pander to an international market, but considering their HQ was above a Chinese restaurant, it was pretty glaring that there weren't even any Chinese extras around at that location. The only person from the restaurant was Karan Soni.

Yeah, even though I was the right age for the original, I only ever played the second one. The CD-ROM I had also had The Yukon Trail and The Amazon Trail, though I think I only bothered with The Yukon Trail.

Only if you play it twice.

I'm from the computer lab, Apple IIe, generation. But for some reason, we usually played Carmen Sandiego. I never even heard of The Oregon Trail until around 95 or 96 when we got our Polywell, PC-compatible Windows 95 computer. That one came with several discs of game demos, one of which was Oregon Trail II. That

Perhaps he was being subliminal.

Three if you include playing the white savior in a movie about saving poor Chinese people from magical dragons at the Great Wall.

But Man Hunt is awesome. It begins with a playful assassination attempt on Hitler, and ends with the same character leaping out of a plane armed to the teeth with newfound sincere resolve to kill Hitler.

R2-D2 and C-3PO are in all 7 movies, 8 if you include Clone Wars.

The show seemed like a descendant of previous sketch shows on FOX, In Living Color and The Edge, in that it had a diverse group of people on both sides of the camera and also tended toward gross-out comedy.

I agree wholeheartedly. I'm just saying it could be done.

My thinking is that no matter what they did, they'd piss people on both sides off, so the better thing is to do it, take the hit, and keep introducing more gay characters so that such a character doesn't bear the burden of representation and everyone else gets used to it.

Cho requested that the husband be Asian.

Maybe it was the magical camera the landing party used on Sha Ka Ree.

There were a few lines in Beyond about the shields being taken down.

Except he said Russia, just in case St. Petersburg doesn't revert to Leningrad by the 23rd century.

Is that an Independence Day spoiler?