Eric Cheung

It worked out okay in that DirectTV campaign where they deaged him to his Star Trek VI look:

Given a lot of the crew of the Enterprise were killed, I imagine that crew was merged with the new ship's crew. On the other hand, the ship wasn't done, so I don't know how close they were to assigning crew anyway.

Well for Boutella's makeup, they leave her facial features pretty much intact.

I figured the party was made up primarily of his friends.

It looked bigger than the NX-01, but I couldn't tell. I don't buy the notion that JJ's Enterprise is super huge, because it still has the same two rows of windows on the hull, so I figure it's not that much bigger than the Prime Universe's 1701. So, if that's the case, then the Franklin probably had a complement of

Even the movie realizes this…for a little bit.

I actually kind of thought the saucer shouldn't have needed the engineering hull or nacelles for impulse, given the 1701-D saucer was designed to run on impulse. Since this ship was also supposed to separate, I'd think that big impulse engine on the back would be enough.

It was mostly ENT-era, except the GUI seemed more Kelvin-era.

Unless you count drunkenness, he "blasted off" to Magic Carpet Ride. He introduced Vulcans to Rock n Roll with Ooby Dooby, which Ronald D. Moore thought was too goofy a choice.

Until the new film series, TVH was like the most successful Trek movie ever, yet the filmmakers keep trying to emulate TWOK.

I'm opposed to there being villains in the first place. A Star Trek story should have, at most, an antagonist with which the crew comes to some kind of understanding by the end, as in Arena, Errand of Mercy, The Corbomite Maneuver, etc.

Starbases have always had inconsistent naming conventions. Some have names, most are called "Starbase [number]" and some are called "Deep Space [number]." Some are planet-side, most look like the spacedock from Star Trek III or Regula One, and many have completely different designs.

I was curious about this movie, having seen much of the original series, but was disappointed by the yellow face in the character of Huki Muki.

Right down to the appropriation of an actor playing a bigoted caricature of an underrepresented people!

It was a gag in Star Trek VI as well, when he cited the "Russian epic of Cinderella."

It's not in realtime with the start of the JJ movie series. The five-year mission in the Kelvin Timeline starts about five years earlier than in the Prime Timeline. 2009 took place in 2258, Into Darkness took place in 2259, with the five-year mission beginning in the epilogue, a year later, and this movie takes

The story I remember about his casting of Star Trek, anyway, is this:

JJ asked Pegg to be in Star Trek. Then, he presumably asked Pegg to be in Star Wars, after his experience working with him in Star Trek and Mission: Impossible.

He's played by co-writer Doug Jung:

Responds to reading the names…maybe, though I think there are a lot of people who know Chow Yun Fat is, at the very least.