Eric Cheung

Carol so believes in everyone's goodness that she's giving Mike the benefit of the doubt, especially because she wants the last known person on Earth with a family to have a happy family.

I think he's just getting more comfortable expressing his insecurities, whereas in the first season he was mostly just good-natured.

The half-shaved head wasn't spoiled for me, so I thought that Mike wrote, or drew, something in the bathroom mirror.

It was an electric eel, then? That makes sense, as "eel" is "Lee" backwards.

That was my first Bruce Lee movie. I kind of found the ending a shocker, as it was maybe the first movie I saw with that kind of noble sacrifice of an ending.

I would guess that "A Real Live Wire" takes place closer to Thanksgiving. I don't think much time passes between then and "No Bull."

It's feasibility isn't the issue. They still have to try. I wouldn't want to let our species go down without a fight.

Oh, I have no problem believing any number of scenarios, I'm just curious about the specifics. There would still have to be some kind of note, otherwise, he'd probably despair that the people that were "Alive in Tuscon" were no longer so, due to the mansion fire.

They have to try to repopulate the planet though.

Yes, but as far as Mike knew, Phil's last location was the apartment from the pilot. There would have to be a note at that apartment to lead any of Phil's old friends and family to the cul-de-sac. That would depend on what chance Phil believed anyone he knew was still alive.

I think we'll find out next week. There were several possibilities. Do we know what Phil and Carol left behind when they left for Malibu? We haven't seen any new folks, so maybe they didn't leave a sign that said "Hey, actually we're in Malibu now!" just a note at the cul-de-sac.

I kept on thinking that Phil should have just abstained for a couple of weeks and tried again. "Buckling down" at that frequency would only lead to worse results.

Ace Ventura?

They shouldn't make clerks work in such cramped spaces.

Parody falls under fair use.

I took it as kind of a meta joke, in that he's really only ambivalent because it's so unusual for an extended period to occur in a show with a single character alone in a room.

Mike will probably join soon enough. I think he may serve some of the same function. It's possible that he might have some the same skills as part of his training. Plus, he's bringing an ambulance. I wonder how well he knows how to use the stuff in there.

It must also be numbing to know that Gail is still their best shot at having a surgeon in an emergency. I hope she gets back to those books, and maybe even find some bodies to practice on.

It seems pretty in-character for her. She did say she was guilt-ridden to Todd, and the ways those feelings processed through her mind. She's also someone who tends to drink to bury her feelings as she's one of the more cynical characters on the show. She's grieving, but we'll see it in a different way from the