I pretend to care about people, and people give me approval for it. That's the contract you ripped to pieces. OK. You wanted it this way. Just remember that.
I pretend to care about people, and people give me approval for it. That's the contract you ripped to pieces. OK. You wanted it this way. Just remember that.
American television needs a greater diversity of faces. That means some clean shaven, some moustaches, some beards, some sideburns, some bald…
Tom Hanks plays clever animals that have mastered the trick of talking and even lying when necessary without ever liking it. An island full of them would just point and grunt when they weren't ignoring each other.
Yes, for every 10 times you are robbed in Australia, you may expect to be robbed in the US 11 times, and for every time you are murdered in Australia, you may expect to be murdered four times in the US. On the other hand, many more Americans have built up a resistance to murder through repeated exposure in the manner…
Those art school wannabes will dance to anything.
As one of the many people who read this feature out of a practical need to learn the most facts about Adrian Grenier in the shortest amount of time, I agree.
Warner Brothers just asked Frug to become president of the Man of Steel Fan Club based on that quasi-endorsement.
In a few years, mom jokes will be proof of genuine depravity and everyone who told an El Dan or Chris Hansen joke will be horrible, and everyone will know they're better than us because they don't do such things anymore.
And this is definitely nautical pun thread.
Will the TV series be true to the game and rely on fog to save money on set backgrounds?
It's $20,000 for one or $15,000 apiece for two. So while at first it might look like you're spending $30,000, you're actually saving $10,000, and the more you buy, the more you save. A smart consumer wouldn't walk away with fewer than three.
Man, I always wanted an acolyte. "I'm going to do terrible things to you. I'm going to treat you like a slave and abuse the crap out of you. And it's all, uh, to test your mettle and toughen you up. Yeah, that's the ticket."
Emily Dickinson started the trend with sexy Death.
I resent the unqualified way in which you present your viewpoint. That may be a "fact" to you, but it's not to me. I don't believe in them, and I refuse to cede the conversation to those who presume to possess them. The mantle of authority is mine.
In that case, there's solid precedent for taking revenge on a half-dozen people chosen at random.
You take that back! Ex Machina is nothing like Dr. Who; it's the first sci-fi movie that's actually a sci-fi movie I've seen in a long while. The premise is a sci-fi chestnut (but not the one you'd guess, and not one that, as far as I know, has been put in a movie before), and the movie isn't dense, but it commits to…
It sounds like you've made some enemas.
Not yet, she's three.
Nobody will care about your dyslexia if you become a raider, they said.