Eric Boesch

Cronenbergo could make ten films for that price, with actresses two cup sizes larger.

Meh is its own moral inverse.

So that's what happened to Saint Hitler, Adolf's older brother.

The key to fulfillment is spending 20% more than you can afford. That applies no matter whether you can afford $200,000 or $2 million. Happiness is always one size bigger, and nobody is more desperately aware of how their whole life hangs in the balance than the guests on HGTV shows.

While feverish I once met God, and he spent the entire time going on about the famous people he met. His favorite was Carl Sagan, because Sagan never asked Him for favors.

Stop horning in on the AV Club reading comprehension fairy's job. It's his one joy in life apart from whiskey.

Unless I counted wrong, "Hell no" would be… look, can we talk about this later, when "they" aren't listening?

No. Terrible. No. Seriously? Hmm… close, but no. Maybe next year. Never. Nope. Doubtful. Never. Nope. Hell no. Cancer. A boil on a tumor. No.

There are people who don't believe in him, people who don't understand him, and people who exploit his name for unsavory purposes, but when you die, or, more likely, seconds before that moment, you who disbelieve in the One True Batman will learn the error of your ways.

When the mechanics stand on their stepladders and look at the "jet engines," they're really just feeding the bumblebees.

Didn't you read the article? She's not adorkable. In fact, she's the opposite of adorkable!

It's probably an attempt to force spam detection algorithms based on hash values to work harder. It's easy to recognize the exact same text written the exact same way, and you can check for a billion different texts with a single table lookup. But the more variations you add to the text, the more the spam detection

Those greenscreen shots are dangerous. You never know if you'll end up in the same studio as ISIS.

I am ashamed of myself, and I am not ashamed to admit it. I am proud to say that I shall be leaving on my own terms, with an overwhelming sense of failure, regret, and humiliation.

The obstetrician and the abortion doctor racing to reach the patient was the best movie car chase I ever saw. Also, when the judge switches between "safe" and "you're out" (or vice versa — I won't spoil the ending) at the last split second, half the audience cheered and the other half cried.

There's a moment of on-screen static that, if you slow it down 64x on the DVD, turns out to be a Flash/Scalosian orgy.


I'm surprised you say that. Needing a haircut is as good as a basic scarf and hat for avoiding cold ears and a cold neck, and even a sparse several day old beard cuts heat loss through the chin and upper lip when the wind blows.

The captive prince in the turret in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

If so, let's also absolutely reject the idea that charges should be brought until they're proven, because even finding the charges groundless will be seen as proof of guilt. I think it's better to recognize the difference between an accusation and a conviction.