Eric Boesch

"The award of a knighthood had been announced in the 1998 New Year Honours,[15][46] but investiture with the award had been delayed, at Clarke's request, because of an accusation, by the British tabloid The Sunday Mirror, of paedophilia.[47][48] The charge was subsequently found to be baseless by the Sri Lankan

Lego has an unlimited universe by design. Angry Birds, not so much.

That's not what high definition is supposed to mean. That would be discriminatory.

Also, the driver gets to decide which kind of fetish porn gets shown on the entertainment system.

It's not like they tell a lot more Mohammed jokes in public in most Muslim countries, though. There's something to be said for making jokes where you at least stand a chance of not being killed for them.

I paged all the way back to "Django Unchained" hoping to see their reviewer flex their literary muscles, only to find that they refuse to substantially review that kind of movie. Repeated references to "Broomhilda" aside, I want a refund.

I'll never get sexually transmitted pink-eye again!

Season one of AHS was fine, if you assume it lasted about four episodes. If you get past that and start wondering whether the endless variations of the same story will culminate in some big payoff, it won't. Instead of watching boy meets girl, boy and girl are killed by ghosts, boy and girl become killer ghosts over

This next song goes out to our drummer who OD'ed and our bassist who died of late-onset Alzheimers.

The official homicide rate in the UK is low mainly because inheriting a fortune is categorized as a natural cause of death.

Within 50 years, the climate may support Waffle Houses as far north as New Hampshire.

The centipede panels are a rational and necessary part of affordable universal health care.

Topology, but with people! That'll get the kids interested in mathematics!

When you have the chance to become a god of war, you don't say no.

Imagine the strained nuclear physics/romance metaphors we're missing.

That means you've graduated from lunatic to prophet!

Can I get that on a doctor's note? I recently learned that a world class athlete was 3 years older than me, so I need a new excuse besides age for giving up.

You can call the "statistic" a straw man, but trying to defend it as accurate undermines that argument. Go back to the source — not "person X quoted person Y quoted person Z" — and you'll see the 1 in 5 figure for campus rape is never presented as anything more than speculative.

And Duke lacrosse, and Strauss-Kahn, and Bryan Singer, and it appears at least one of the Cosby accusations (Goins', since Cosby wasn't even there — though many of the others still look believable), along with several cases that appear to have been neither lies nor rape (USNA, Kaepernick), and that's just selected

It is a deeply regrettable happenstance that many synonyms for homosexual have the same spelling and pronunciation as common slurs.