Eric Boesch

It'd be great if you'd limited yourself to that one post, which actually says something, instead of devoting a bunch of posts to the indefensible thesis that it's a small matter whether Wahlberg blinded a guy or not. It's not libel for the reasons Sean gave, but as Sean also said, it's not a small mistake either.

He's just an average Stormtrooper, which is reason enough to be terrified. He hopes that taking his helmet off will humanize him so the director is less likely to cut him down without a second thought.

Other details: Kylo Ren is a Virgo, and his pet tuxedo cat is named Nibbles.

But the writers already have 400 tall guy jokes lined up! There's going to be a whole thing about how the basketball player never gets a straight answer when he asks about the weather forecast. It'll be great.

I liked it back when it had only one team.

Downvoted for not being too cool to admit you know that many basketball terms.

Too late! I beat the buzzer on that one.

They're saving that one for the WNBA.

IANAD, but… I gather that tinnitus is a physical phenomenon. If it sounds precisely like a siren, then I think it's probably not that. Many years back for a while I heard "ringing," as in church bells, not regular tinnitus, at the somewhat-higher-than-audible-threshold level. For me it really didn't mean anything more

Babylon Constantinople

so the toms don't spray 'er.

The same, but it was a four-way.

I approve of you, Larry.

I'm sorry that item is not to your liking. Would you like to try an alternative? There's "kill, eat with, eat" if you're peckish, "fuck, beat, kill, death by snu-snu" if you're frisky, or "kill, kill, kill, go bowling with, kill, kill," if you're bored.

Netflix is the On-Cor® Family-Sized Frozen Entree of filmic entertainment.

If that excuse works for you, then that gives me an idea: I'll buy a revolver and load it with five bullets and one "Mike & Ike" candy.

"Widely," maybe, but not correctly. The Internet predates Berners-Lee's contribution, the World Wide Web, by a couple decades. I wish I could convince myself that people are upvoting the joke that Spike Lee can't tell the difference.

No, this is definitely about the dangers of legalizing old people.

Wouldn't it be awesome if they remade football as a cooperative sport? Also, something "Cutler goes both ways" something something. Who wrote this material?

**'People are people' continues playing as raiders chew barbecued meat of diverse racial origin**