(deleted because joke was already made by Dikachu himself, because of course it was)
(deleted because joke was already made by Dikachu himself, because of course it was)
"Welcome to Jamaica, Have a Nice Day"?
PRINCESS SEXY AZTEC OR MAYBE MAYA NAME: Thank you for introducing civilization to my people, Senor Cortez. [Slinks out of native costume.]
"Fatal Telegraph Delivery"
I have no clue what I'm talking about, but why should that stop me from piling on?
I've been reading these comments in Schwarzenegger's voice, and I had to re-read them because I couldn't understand myself.
A love lettter to Sheffield? Wouldn't flashing a twenty have sufficed?
That the accusation you make has been made before is not in dispute (any accusation you've ever heard of has appeared somewhere on the Internet), nor is that Monsanto has sued farmers. Monsanto itself says that. But you said more than that. Honestly, you know what a citation is, and if you can't find a credible one, I…
One well-documented example will do.
Golden rice is a perfect example of not that.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but can you provide an example? For instance, not this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
I demand to see a feathered Dreadnoughtus! And so as not to handcuff the movie in the name of slavish attention to the science as it is currently understood, I demand to see it fly.
With an alias like "Mr. Pilkington," I doubt he intends to stay in the closet.
A little soreness is normal.
The homeopaths who want to travel down to Africa to cure Ebola talk and kind of look like Jeff Goldblum's character. A person can't radiate enlightenment like that without being full of something.
The video is possessed by a demon.
Either boxers or underoos will do, as long as one can strip down at a moment's notice to proper attire for two-fisted crime fighting.
BANE: A mulatto. An albino. A mosquito. My libido.
I tried, but it didn't work. The number just went down instead.
The hypothesis that attention can possess a negative charge has been scientifically disproven.