Eric Boesch

In later years, during times of stress, he would think back to the callback that never came. Did they not get the reference? Did they think it beneath acknowledgment? Did they just not like him, or not care? Sometimes he thought he should have finished the callback himself, despite the ignominy and tackiness of it,

I would agree with much of that. Williams doesn't come off as the perfect poster child for justified euthanasia. I don't think either one of us could know whether he made a considered choice — I think either guess is plausible — so I will leave that alone.

There is a convention to call situational unhappiness "depression" if the situation cannot be improved. For some, mostly old, people, you could make a chart of what had always been their top four favorite things and how well they could still do them, with the answers ranging from "not at all" to "badly," with little

LittleBigBot is probably thinking of Conan. Bond uses pronouns all the time, which is confusing. The meaning of "I," "you," "he," "she," and "it" keeps changing. Pronouns are like everybody's own special language no one else can speak. A sentence should be true when spoken by anyone or when spoken by no one. Anything

Spike Lee recommended him for the job.

You, Mr. Literal, and Excitable Misunderstood Genius should publish a book of poetry criticism together.

[A meeting of the Houston planning commission]

His friends try to get him bombed, but he usually shoots them down.

(A second man in black appears. Harris shoots him and says, "Wrong franchise.")

(Robin Williams reaches under his belt, finds a length of sobriety, and accuses the butler of stealing his hip flask.)

They'd just have to repeat the process a week later.

I'd be badly tempted to write a bot to follow up TV/movie quotes with the next sentence. Fortunately the better half of my character (laziness) says no.

Practicing a sport teaches you the limits of human potential. Watching the pros, or even exceptionally talented amateurs, teaches you how wrong you were.

The rules allowed him to do what LBB said. Your version violates the rules.

Freestyle foot transport is so crass and industrial. Race walking and triple jump are the only track events that deserve to be called sports. That endless array of freestyle races at different distances should be replaced by breastwalking, backwalking, crab walking, skipping, and so forth.

But OMG is just one syllable!


Now all we need to do is to make a few tweaks to society and persuade everyone to hold hands for one moment, and humanity's one big long misunderstanding of the past ten thousand years will be cleared up forever.

Oh, for crap's sake. Just because a person's likely sexual orientation arises organically during conversation does not mean we or they appreciate having the conversation derailed by horndogging on no greater basis than the fact of compatibility.

The album really Stays with Me.