
The Twitter thread that followed her endorsement was a plethora of non-stop “Prepare to lose your seat for reelection” and “you chose donors over constituents.” It was kinda glorious if it wasn’t so sad...

I concur...These are the comments I’ve seen on a single post someone I know from high school on FB shared:

“That is the number for the US Senate. Save it in your phone and every day when you find out something else you don’t like, call your senator and tell them politely that you want them to vote for or against whatever it is.”

Cmon, you’ll have Ivanka there (ain’t like Melania is actually going to come live in the White House cmon...)

And it truly, TRULY makes you appreciate the eloquence and grace that Biden has as a speaker, and it’s all extemporaneous. It’s mindblowing and something I will miss immensely.

Sadly, in DC, we only have a non-voting Senate MoFo to call. They don’t listen to her even when it comes to DC issues so...

Nope Buzzfeed was there...he wouldn’t take their question either

Indeed. Pitt was responsible for being super involved in NOLA after Katrina with rebuilding in the 9th Ward. His houses made a big difference. Using your fame for something good isn’t a bad thing, regardless of the skin color.

well, maybe that’s what he’s going for, the suicide thing. Only he’s too chicken to actually do it himself.

It’s appalling to me. The GOP at the time pretty much forced Jimmy Carter to give up his share in the family peanut farm b/c it was a conflict of interest. Now look at them...

I read a really good article the other day about how, while rational thinking people would expect Congress to step in and slap him around for acting like an ass. the reality is they won’t. He’s giving them a cabinet that will allow them to pass stuff they’ve wanted to pass forever but not everyone wants to go back to

Yeah but Clint is kind of a wimpy type. Joanna would eat him for breakfast.

Everyone here calls it Reagan regardless of what side you’re on

OMG, how do you know my mom? :)

Precisely. I’m not saying there aren’t problems here, there most definitely are. But there’s a reason why so many people want to come to this country. In the words of my immigrant grandfather, “Why would I want to go back, America is the greatest country in the world.”

Pence is. B/c Trump has no Congressional supporters, and knows nothing. Pence has been in Congress and knows how things work. With a GOP-led House and Congress that’s stupid sorts of dangerous.

I have to disagree with ya here. 30 and onward probably great if you’re a dude. But the closer you get to 40, as a female, it’s rougher b/c the dudes all want to date women younger than them. Cracks me up, like, “yeah bro, some 18 year old is gonna wanna hang out with your 35 year old ass, I think not.”

I’ve actually seen comments that say how Fox is becoming part of the “liberal media” and that the “bitch” megan kelly should be fired.

And isn’t it illegal to use a recording of someone unless they consent to being recorded? I mean, that’s why cops need to get permission for wiretaps, right?