
I think everyone should be treated fairly but [FART NOISES]

You and 29 other people are a horrible person. Also pretty stupid with the whole bathroom fear. Sorry really stupid

“I have a daughter , who was born a female and would never want her to be in a restroom with a person that was born with Male Genetics and later changed them to “APPEAR” to be a woman.”

Yes, you are the reason. Take it from TheDrDonna and myself. Yes, people like you are the reason that when I go to sleep at night, I sometimes wish that I don’t wake up. Because the world sees me as some sort of fucking monster that must be eliminated. But why? Why must I be treated as if I made a “choice”. Fucking

That’s an interesting thesis. I am a woman. My vagina has been pretty problem free. I’ve never had cramps, my periods have been relatively uninteresting. I’ve never worried about an accidental pregnancy. While I have been groped or commented on, it’s hardly the sum of my existence because I’m also fat and

But you’d be okay with a woman who “transformed” (transitioned) to be a man sharing a restroom with your daughter?

Hey, you’re the one telling other people to shut up, I was just returning your kind words back to you. Your bad opinions are corrosive to the identities of trans people, so you will always run into someone like me who is more than willing to point out that you’re an asshole of the first order. If you want to stop

I just commented this on a transphobic post that was all like, “In a sexual species, females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y, I’m not a bigot it’s just science.” I’m a science teacher so I responded with this.

But they aren’t choosing their gender. They are also born that way. Sometimes their sexual characteristics don’t match their gender. They are choosing to allow their outer appearance to reflect that gender. Just as many cis people do every day. I’m a cisgender woman. When I put on a dress and heels I’m dressing in

Fuck this shit, and fuck you, concern troll 2000. Jesus tomahawk weilding Christ.

And you apparently don’t have any clue what you’re talking about. HRT is not given to children. Gender identity usually solidifies around the age of 2-4. After that, if a child is consistent, persistent, and insistent of their gender identity, they socially transition-dress as the gender the identify as, use the

Indeed. Just because someone may not have come up knowing the struggles of women doesn’t mean they’re not experiencing them now.

If there’s any need for evidence that feminism still has quite a ways to go to become truly intersectional, one should look no further than this comment section. TERFs abound, more interested in the oppression olympics than liberating one another.

The American College of Pediatrics is intentionally similarly named as the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and was originally created when the AAP released data confirming that children raised by same-gender couples do not statistically suffer more in

This is why we have the oxford comma.

There is no question that trans representation is severely lacking in current Hollywood, even when the characters are trans. But Alexis Arquette, rest in peace, was a mediocre actress. I guess a certain text wants to die on that hill but I fail to see the creativity or talent. If anything she probably benefited from

Her life doesn’t deserve to be remembered at the actual Oscars, no. Neither does mine or yours. People who actually were members of the academy? Yes. Makes sense.

You put people in these segments that your think your colleagues might find worth remembering.

Everyone except my grandfather and the first guy I banged ( two seperate people) have worn boxes or boxer briefs.

That face, that body and especially that hairy chest is making me uncomfortable down there, in my pants.