
I can guarantee that this woman never called or visited her uncle and only popped up after she realized how much this unit might be worth.

Ms. DeMaio suggested that perhaps the two men were just “friends” or “great companions.”

Seriously. The Glee version was better. And now I have to go slap myself for ever uttering that sentence.

That version of Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me was so sexless I think my hymen regrew...

Saucy in Ploughman’s Lunch, Three Men in a Boat, and the Shadow, but Annie. I don’t why, but I find him pretty sexy in Annie. Might be the close proximity of Bernadette Peters, though.

Not watching this (was never really a huge fan of the original except for Tim Curry, not big on musicals) but I do find it strange they have a woman playing a transvestite character? Because she was born a man? I thought these were 2 things we didn’t want to conflate.

Shot. The man said shot. He wants her to die. And I will bet you $20 that if you ask him exactly why she deserves to be shot he won’t even know. That’s the infuriating part. They have no idea what crime to even accuse her of.

Umm, no, not all like that. The “US” in your example is eitherbeing used as an abbreviation for the possessive case (United States’) or simply as adjective. The word “Mexico” clearly is not. “Mexico’s” or “Mexican” would make grammatical sense, but when you just copy+paste directly from other writers, sometimes you

im cry

Is this supposed to make me pay attention/give a fuck? Because it didn’t, I actually just became even more apathetic.

Oh for fucks sake who gives a shit? Excuse me if I can’t be bothered with how the supermodels of the 90s weep for what (may or may not have) happened to their “craft.”

Better yet....

What does any of that have to do with her stating the following:

Oh go fuck yourself, troll

Everyone has their own opinions and experiences, but your comment did not illicit a negative reaction in me at all. You just sound like a guy learning about privilege and considering how there are simple, small things that you don’t even have to think about that have to mean something totally different to Black

You sound like an intelligent and well spoken individual who has lots of empathy.

I never said anything about not understanding you as human being- all I said is that you and I are treated differently (whether one is treated better or worse than the other depends on the time and place), based on things that neither of us can control (our genes).

I didn’t get that at all. I understood exactly what he was trying to say.


I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.