entr'acte wherestheexitsign

Nothing about that response was trollish. Your knee-jerking is not helpful and you owe the OP an apology.

No problem, man. :] I like to see you around the kinja monkeysphere. You have a unique perspective, for obvious reasons, that isn’t super prevalent around here and your stories need to be told so at least someone around here will hear them. You probably fall victim to the same type of thought process that branded Gurv


For what’s it’s worth, Suppi isn’t a troll. And I think this story may hit a little close to home for her (her? I don’t know, actually. I guess I’m assuming.).

Wait—I’m a troll? Since when?

Hi. I’m Latina, too, and am dark-skinned. Like you, people guess I’m Persian. I feel like it is open season on my community. My co-workers are openly making racist and homophobic comments. I am working very, very hard not to react to this fuckery. I will try to educate and respond but not react. My goal is to stay

For me, I know I need to abstain completely. Several months ago, I switched to wine thinking it’ll help me “cut back” because I don’t like it as much as rum or vodka. Sure enough, I was downing entire bottles in one sitting. It wasn’t uncommon for me to drink two bottles a night (who needs a glass?) I just need to

Urgh, I really hate pork. A friend of mine used to be a surgical health care assistant, she said she can’t eat pork after seeing the cross section of an amputated leg - it looks identical to a leg of pork. (I hated pork before this)

Anyone else a recovering alcoholic? I started outpatient treatment this past week. As of tomorrow, I’ll be a week sober. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a big deal for me. How long does it take for this to get easier? Like... what do sober people even *do* for fun? The only ways I ever knew to go out and have

I hate the smell of pork. It reminds me too much of when my dad worked at a hog farm and made me come along, and the smells and textures encountered therein.

I know that this is an American website, but I just have a message for my fellow Canadians: after the victory of Donald Trump, Kellie Leitch, a candidate for the leadership of Canada’s Conservative Party has said “Tonight, our American cousins threw out the elites and elected Donald Trump as their next president. It’s

Is this where I can finally admit that the smell of bacon makes me gag?!

The real reason Trump won is because of his opponent. He didn’t attract the lost tribes of white people to come out of the wilderness and vote for some racist vision of America. He won because the people who voted for Obama didn’t vote for Hillary. Trump got less votes than Romney, a walking, talking piece of Wonder

I respectfully disagree. I think it was supposedly omniscient know-it-all walking logical fallacies like you that pushed people towards Trump. Look in the mirror, you have no one to blame but yourself.

The point is that the Republicans have been so caustic, so incredibly caustic, so monumentally caustic that, if your theory had any traction, there would have been 100% turnout of the Republican voters towards Hillary.

You’re not helping. At all...

it’s a good thing i totally said that, right? Fuck Donald Trump. But fuck you all for helping to nominate such an AWFUL candidate that was the only one capable of fucking up this cakewalk election. 

I don’t think he gets it, even after all these years. PBS recently ran a documentary on Hamilton, about 10 minutes in there’s GWB saying sometimes it take a while for history to give credit where it’s due. GWB still thinks he did the right thing, sending troops into Iraq.

Only Jezebel could take a story about a retired politician painting surprisingly competent portraits of veterans and turn it into another indiscreet whinge-fest about the election.

Hm. I don’t feel that way at all. I’m just a person in the world who, in recognition of their own particular insecurities with their body, has empathy for everyone’s, and tries to avoid mocking people along those lines. But I suppose that just means, in your mind, I’m completely cowed into my illegitimate perspective.