Hey thanks! Seriously, the non-hate is appreciated. At least Beyonce is honest about her ‘writing teams.’
Hey thanks! Seriously, the non-hate is appreciated. At least Beyonce is honest about her ‘writing teams.’
I know I’’ll get hate for this, but I’d have to put Rihanna and maybe Beyonce in with that group.
Have never seen AHS, but if you like Felicity check out the movie Transamerica (2005) if you haven’t already. She really is amazing.
Hey now; I thought she was pretty good in Evita. But then she and Eva Duarte Peron had a lot in common.
Your winky-eye tells me that you already know that. It can be GRABBED. (although, as yet, we don’t know how:) And I do think it’s very funny that they call it that.
Oh yeah, waaay too much work.
Idk. Something tells me on the 9th he’ll be all “Haha, I GAVE it to her. She should be grateful. I have way more important things to do like relax in my BIG BEAUTIFUL EXPENSIVE home, with my gorgeous wife. I was never really interested. My goal was to prove that our political system is corrupt, and I did.”
*sigh* what can one say? They’re reaching out to their demographic?
I bused (sp?) tables as a 16 yr. old. at a steakhouse (vegetarian here). That whole summer was one long greasy, gagworthy nightmare.
I lived in England for a while, and that’s what they called them then. A “jumper” was what we Yanks call a “sweater” and a “vest” was our men’s undershirt.
I didn’t find her “aggressive’ or even assertive enough. And I wouldn’t know how to deal with Trumps’s incessant interruptions and shout-overs, but I would have thought Hillary would have figured out something by now. The Moderator was just the worst.
Never heard of him, but in the last story about this on Jez there was a link to an article on him. Apparently HE thinks he’s god’s gift to the world.
I’m surprised RZA isn’t being criticized for using the word “females.” I thought that was one of the worst offenses here.
I’m thinking more the “C” word. One of these days he’s going to slip.
Yeah. George W. was famous for that too. Their brains move along a constantly repeating loop. George W: “We work, I tell you. Work. We work HARD!”
I’ve seen lot’s of people do that: little tiny people - in high chairs, throwing food items on the floor one after the other.
To hell with “fancy.” I’m loving the way you kept it real:)
Not the best batch of tweets.
I wonder how “Pop Music” feels about this. Or any music.
And where are this man’s pants? All I see is an apron.