I WOULD NOT with any guy even mentioned in the same sentence as the giant-jowls-filled-with-hate hamster man.
I WOULD NOT with any guy even mentioned in the same sentence as the giant-jowls-filled-with-hate hamster man.
That is a morbidly depressing workstation. Can’t even imagine the rest of the office.
It was very nice of you to reply, and with such kind intent. I don’t care much for XO jane, but it seems that commentators are free to speak their minds (often at the expense of an article’s author). People have questioned Jez’s commenting policy for years. Personally, I’m proud to be uncool. But if being ungreyed is…
Where did you get the idea that the “greys” is a sort of of dump site where only the stupid, uniformed, and delusional hang out? Oh, trolls too. I have enjoyed long periods of “ungreyness” in the past. I didn’t care for it. One has to say just the right things, be willing to let the PC du jour blow you around. It’s…
Amazonian society. We take male lovers as we please and leave them by a cold morning fire. Otherwise we ride around, bare breasted and loot male outposts, set their huts on fire, and hold their head honchos hostage while we humiliate them in front of their peers. I’m all about revenge fantasy these days.
HAS to be Jason Sudeikis at least. All I’ve seen of him was in Horrible Bosses 1&2. Irresponsible, infantile, poop-brusher, and will f*ck anything. Of course I don’t know this film’s premise, but seems he would be the perfect bad Dad. Maybe Trump will do a cameo of Bad Grand Dad.
From what I’ve heard about the way QEII insists on controlling her dogs, etc., I don’t think I’d want to be legatee.
Starred for reminding us of an exquisitely rendered cautionary tale. Something tells me that too few people saw it :(
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. I don’t remember that one. Did it have Guy Pierce in it?
Seriously. What other opportunity might she have had? The next abusive incident might well have meant her murder.
Oh Julia honey. Hire a decorator please. That is the most color-uncoordinated, dismal, unwelcoming house I’ve ever seen. And you have filled it with wicker and cushions, just in case your guests forget that they are in fact IN HAWAII. Find a less garish color scheme and start over. Last word: your rooms all look like…
We seriously miss you over here, Mark. Piggies all well, I hope?
Face so dark; hands so lily white. Does he wear gloves while golfing and yachting, pussy grabbing?
Looks fine to me too. I don’t see any difference.
Looks like a cardiogram of Trump’s heart doing an Irish jig every time Ivanka walks by.
Btw: The animated photo in the lede is AMAZING. Is that really you? And did you do it yourself? Kudos.
In the Romantic Days of Olde men used to sit in tubs full of ice upon waking. Supposedly it was good for their virility. So I guess Drake is or isn’t dating Riri
“Why am I grey again”? You are comparing being non-grey with being BLACK (as usual) as the Universal Key. We need to upgrade our semantics.. We need to introduce another language.