entr'acte wherestheexitsign

OK. That’s way over the line. If I’m ever in Calabasas, I’ll ‘shadow in’ quiet like with a carpet knife in hand and make confetti out of those tires. She can have a good squall, then drive the next car to the left or to the right. Damn, she won’t be able to make up her mind.

A Racy FRENCH farce. The naughty stuff will emerge soon.

This is starting to sound like the death assassination of Princess Di, only farcical instead of brutally obscene. Maybe a bad Grandmutha WAS behind both.

That’s what I’ve heard. And apparently she hired “body double” complete with her gal pals, in order to slip away.

Maybe she likes to do this.

That is sooo good. But maybe Steph Shep instead of Simone?

My toilet after 24 hours of trying to put the clues together.

So so tired of looking at this women. Wish she’d do the “Sia” thing for a while, but no way is she gonna hide all that filler and botox, and contouring.

Excellent point! And my BF keeps nicking my hard-to-find, no stains, lovingly washed thrift towels (100% freaking Egyptian cotton) for his “man jobs”. Now they occupy the “rag cabinet.” Think I’ll put a few stitches on an edge, then I can say “What about THIS? Eh?”

Ahh. So sorry about that. If you move, be sure to take them with you!

Hmm. Care to share your address? Just asking for a (really big) group of friends ;)

If you saved them, you should def make some DIY jewelry out of them. Nothing more “special me” than that!

Well - I DO like your bag, and I think you’re pretty special (and it looks like I could just scrape those letters off if you get tired of it).

Wow. Thanks for the info. I have fragile (oddly un-caucasian) hair and have gotten some decent result with products made for Black hair. I wonder why the breakage. Doesn’t sound like you’re coloring. I get my hair stuff at Sally. Do you think a simple protein filler might help give the strands some support? My hair

Ok., I’ll eat a clown, and a rubber chicken, but I’m going nowhere near Gwyneth Paltrow’s “Cold” leftovers. (Btw: He said that “yellow” meant absolutely nothing; he just couldn’t find anything to rhyme). All the same, he probably IS closer to being a chicken than a clown — or not? :/

Excellent point. Very.

Thank you. I’m a “Thrifter,” and I used to react badly when I saw something worth buying that was monogrammed (almost always brand new). Now I just buy it anyway and sew a damn patch over it. Egoists....Pfffttt

It’s the height of “I’m Very special.” There’s an old, old adage:”A man can’t pass a rock without carving his name on it.” Let’s not be like that, OK?

How about a pie-in-the-face for good measure - a really NASTY pie.

I despise ALL men who thrust their pelvis at me (while usually pontificating).So that’s a NOPE, and Ill back over that NOPE again with the hope of engraving it into the road.