entr'acte wherestheexitsign

Haha! Seriously. Righteous dude wanted bony man in white suit to suffer so hard.......Was Kim just standing there, undefended, for the duration? While Security Hero was getting his jollies, Kim could easily have been abducted. What a showman.

Probably because it IS 252 years old, and it should be BENEATH anyone in The Ivy League to make public such a distasteful ‘affair.’ I don’t know anything about this situation, but I’ll bet the victim has been made to pay pretty harshly for seeking justice.

I wish that were the answer. In SO many “college towns” (all of mine, at least), the city cops worked very clearly in collusion with the college in order to, essentially, keep the students happy because...............yummy tuition dollars and local business interests. White males were especially happy.

Of course you can. See the STAR next to/above the comment. Move your cursor roughly a half inch to the RIGHT of the star, then move cursor DOWN until you see 3 little circles. Click on the circles. “Dismiss” will appear as an option.

Oh yes, indeed. That HAS to hurt. But possibly most circulation is being cut off, so maybe she doesn’t feel it?

Thanks for writing this. As an economically challenged white woman who “speaks up” I have actually been on the ‘business side’ of a cop’s boot (also got a “Freddy Grey nickel ride”). And I’m in a very segregated ‘city’. So I understand what you are saying. Hell, our most popular Police Chief had 3 DUIs with Zero

Pretty awful, isn’t it? And her boobs look ginormous. I wonder if she’s had lipo anywhere. It removes both fat AND fat cells, so that if you gain weight again, it will Just Go Somewhere Else!

I read that they had locked themselves in a bathroom.

That was a tough read - but a necessary one. I can only assume that these travesties are treated as gospel, because the white readership desperately needs these fantastic narratives to be true. I hope that your links are viewed by everyone here.

Thanks for the link....”but the only DNA found on the gun belonged to Officer Stockley.” Jesus, these evil morons can’t even do “criminal” right. I wonder if they all drive around with an “It wasn’t me” kit in their trunks.

Yes, that’s obvious enough. I was replying to CCCriminalcops broader observation: “...unfortunately [cops] work for a department with a documented history of planting drop guns after shooting unarmed victims.” There was the case: “was it a gun or a book?” And so on. Cops keep claiming to see guns which turn out to be

As per your examples I don’t have a lot of hope. I’m just happy that so many civilians have camera phones, use them and have evidence that cops are out and out liars.

The writing here lately is just as confusing. Likely the writers are busy looking for other jobs and not taking the time to proof their work or even fully absorbing material in the original articles to which they are linking.

I have been wondering lately about cops “planting drop guns.” Do they go so far as to put the gun in a dead person’s hand so as to plant fingerprints too, because that is gruesome and I wouldn’t put it past them.

Ack! Now that I re-read my comment, it looks all kinds of wrong. I wasn’t implying any kind of relationship there. I have enjoyed quite a few IHTMs. Yes, put it far behind you, And tbh, a lot of the criticism is childish, But, still, yours was a good story :)

That does seem odd. Good that you got paid for your IHTM. I’ve never registered an account, but it seems that the commentators can be highly critical of the author’s pieces, which seems refreshing for a change.

Haha! Wise words. And I always like your replies.

Kudos. You win the Whac-a- mole Trump games today.

I’m truly sorry, but I can’t agree.

Thanks! Been wanting to try that out since August. Potty humor and fart ‘em.