entr'acte wherestheexitsign

I don't think that you caught the sarcasm in my reply. I agree with you on every single point. But you might want to re-post your comment in response to some of the people who DO think she deserves this harsh, ongoing punishment.

Some critter bit me on the ass last night. Big red welt. No one wants to see that sh*t. Also I'm whiter than white, but I think most white people look pretty awful unclothed (faction in the blemishes..... nope).

It is very low PH - highly alkaline. I had to give it up finally.

Thank you! I regularly wear a swim jacket (high neck, long sleeves) in the pool until I get warm enough. A 17 yr. old lifeguard told me to take it off once. I had to "womansplain" that, yes, they are a "thing" and "No. I won't take it off until I'm warmed up."

Seriously, the highest paid man in our state is a dickwad and stinking POS troglodyte.

Well, I don’t trust humans in politics, because I saw all of The Men in Black Documentaries and now that I know there are hundreds of thousands of benign Aliens seeking political asylum (sadly in disguise), I figure we might be able to combine our DNA, establish true diversity and tolerance and also figure out how to

“lit'rally." Haha! Good one BF.

I can understand your shock. I wonder what one would do besides allow them to treat your daughter like a .....leper or something and still get your needs met. I can cut my own hair into a simple cut. I guess parents just have to go home and lop it off themselves. Well, One would save some money anyway. I’m glad things

Cruise has lost his girlish figure. Did he play the Mummy? Can a Mummy have a Dadbod?

I don't understand. Why wouldn't she cut your daughter's hair? Surely doing so would not have posed a threat to her customers? Or maybe SHE thought it would? Just seems very callous on her part :(

I hate myself for loving that film.

My favorite is my naturally red lips, with a sweep of moisturizing gloss.

My favorite is my naturally red lips, with a sweep of moisturizing gloss.

Maybe she was thinking of the NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. You know, that little organization founded in 1909, built by multi-racial activists in the fight for civil rights for non-whites in particular. It's still a thing, even if knowing one's own history isn't.

Whenever I see this issue arise I think, " hello? What do you think NAACP stands for? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People." Have we scrapped this important resource or shall we, in the interests of PC, re-name it?

Tom Petty looks like The Mad Hatter. Is that what he's doing?

I’m no expert, but it seems like replicants are always so neat and tidy and efficient, unlike this filthy dog-boy left out in the rain. Or maybe he’s a replicould.

As a "no way am I going UP there" person I completely sympathize. In fact 30 feet seemed so excessive that I looked up Olympian high dives and one of them is 33 ft. (and that's going head first). So probably not too dangerous if you have no fear. I was THAT kid at the water park who, once I got up to the platform, I

I had an acquaintance who joined for......reasons. The next (and last) time I spoke with her she was not really the same person. Barely recognized her in fact.

Probably cost 2 cents to make it. That leaves $4.98 they should pay US to advertise their "brands."

I’m still thrown by Runway Tour. Models tour now? knuckles in my eye socket as I try to figure out the "entertainment" part.