
Rumors of her being pregnant will start in 3, 2, 1...

Not at all to imply that it’s a matter of such a simple solution to a sad and complex problem with multiple causes, but please do support parents in your community.

Five kids under seven? Am I te only one reminded of Andrea Yates?

I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.

Especially when it comes to Medicare for All and free college—those were such a well-known parts of his plan that they’re basically synonymous with his name now. The voters had a chance to vote him in if they liked those policies . . . and they didn’t. It would be hugely shitty to the majority of Dems who did vote for

The only thing I’m going to miss more than Vice President Joe Biden is Onion Joe Biden. I hope they continue to cover his Whitesnake listening, TransAm polishing, Butterfly Knife twirling antics.

Ugh, I used to love Sanders, but I think he’s being such a shit little white man and saying that Hillary basically has to adopt all of HIS policy platforms before he’ll endorse her. Ummm, bro, Hillary is way more qualified than you are to be President and just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t have her own

I'm gonna miss him soooooo much.

That’s for the local taxidermist to decide.

Look, I’m no rocket surgeon, but I don’t think the events occurred exactly the way these folks are telling it.

Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.

Young Ned, totally Stoner NPH. I think Jon’s real name is some fucked up hard to spell Targaryen nonsense like Jaeheryes. To which Ned said, “fook it. Jon it is.”

Kristofer Hivjur sans beard

I did a temp job at a Catholic hospital and had an orientation day for all new employees. Swear to God, if I had had a blindfold on, I would’ve thought I was sitting in a church service. They even hauled a priest in to pray over all of us. When we returned after lunch, the next speaker opened with “Now, I know we’ve

This. Ladies: catholic hospitals DO NOT have your best interests at heart. Do your research and make sure your hospital of choice will do what is best for you under any circumstance.

Oh bugger off. He lived in NYC and shot fashion there, the stuff he liked. He didn’t have to like everything ever anywhere on the planet, nor shoot all of everything everywhere. It was not his job to make every human in NY feel pretty, nor every human on the planet to feel pretty. Sometimes (I know, it’s shocking)

This man was the last of a dead breed of gentle, unjaded, and genuinely curious people living in a brutal environment that long ago ceased being accommodating to the creative and imaginative. Yes, New York, I mean you. See you later, fine friend. Thanks for the mirror.

It’s because women’s worth as human beings in our society is reduced to their worth as sexual objects, and trying to exercise some control over how beautiful you are is something that women have to grapple with in order to survive, and that’s not something that men can experience in the same way. You can’t castigate

I am a woman. I have a fantasy of being a little newspaper barker boy from the 1920's, wearing a jaunty hat and shouting “Papahs! Get ya papahs right heayah folks! Today’s headline is a real whoppah, see?”