
If a woman performs a work of art directed specifically at her rapist, and her rapist claims that this is gender discrimination against men.....then isn’t he saying that it is men who are rapists? I mean, doesn’t it kinda have to follow?

What if, indeed?

What if...okay what if...guys guys what if...what if food ate people?

While I personally would like to put this case behind me, I also think this complaint raises some fundamental questions that our society deserves answers to.”

I would think the fact that they were caught lends itself more to the reconciliation rumors than the divorce rumors. ONLY because every couple I’ve know who were on the path to divorce were very careful about keeping the fights in-house to a degree, mostly because they were really bad and they didn’t want others to

I would take 100,000 up front, but I don’t think I would have to stay at the job long. I think everyone I know would assume that I’d been brainwashed or had some sort of mental breakdown and have an intervention to have me committed to a hospital for being a danger to myself and others.

I’m guessing Ted thinks Panton is “one of the good ones.”

Just because you like individuals of a different race doesn’t mean you’re not racist.

Rachael Ray, none of this is your fault, but you should hide.

They might have taken off their seatbelts to you know. Try and escape the car?

You mean places without fully developed social safety nets and economic systems? Not sure how those are a relevant comparison.

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

That is literally the exact opposite of your job, you are 115% wrong sir.

if you don’t like reading differing opinions on a show you like

This is exactly my thought. Gen Xers are the ones who followed their rules and got jobs that work us to death because our parents told us that our companies will take care of us! HA. And we bought houses because our parents told us it’s an investment that can only continue to make more money! HA.

Right?!? Why are we not allowed to be excited about this? I’ve been all but shushed out of social media for my “gloating”.

They’re retired. Kids are out of the house. Time to toke up.

Okay okay. We get that it’s 4/20 but enough with the weed stories. You do know that a woman pretty much secured the Presidency yesterday right? Can we get some more coverage on that when you get a chance?