He’s a bit rough and tumble with the tots but he comes by it honestly. Here’s him with his father, and him with his son.
He’s a bit rough and tumble with the tots but he comes by it honestly. Here’s him with his father, and him with his son.
On the other hand
I’m disappointed he didn’t try his baby balancing trick.
It’s not a moot point, it’s indicative of potential leadership in the future. Hillary took a “moderate” stance on immigration in the mid-1990s (still calling for a path to citizenship but with stricter border control), and “evolved” on immigration by 2000. That’s 16 years ago. And even in the moments people criticize…
Which is funny, because the Scandinavian countries that Sanders points to as ideals (and the EU in general) have exactly these kinds of subsidizing banks. There is a case for the bank, too. It’s not a black and white issue.
A Koch Brothers-backed group did actually release that ad, though. She didn’t make that up.
What’s extreme about letting doctors and patients decide what should be acceptable instead of the government imposing arbitrary time points beyond which no abortion could be performed?
No, dude. I’m sorry. I outright reject your second paragraph. The position we are in RIGHT NOW is because all Obama has been ABLE to do for years now is keep the Republicans from doing anything awful. The result of that is widespread anger, rebellion — this is what is driving the Trump campaign. People who believe…
I wish just one time she would turn to him and say 'So what you are saying, Bernie, is that everyone but you is a corrupt tool of Wall Street?"
It’s funny, most of Bernie’s ideas are right in line with mine, but his style of governance and management is what keeps me from wanting him. His ideology is sound, but it’s also immovable and primary in his methods, which is not a good way to govern this country. The point Hillary just made about the 2007 immigration…
Hopefully her wound will be covered with Liberal Tears brand gauze.
The first Bloody Mary’s?
My first quarter in college, there was an epidemic of gastroenteritis. I had to go to the infirmary to get my birth control pills, and I was surprised to see the entire place was filled with guys. The nurse told me that they were freaking out over cramps. She said she that female students took it in stride, but the…
I totally get that. When I’m on my period, nothing makes me feel better than a super rare, bloody steak.
Also to cure TB, apparently.
Do you ever ask yourself how we pay for our astronomical military spending? Or how about all the money we spend on our prison system (which by the way continues to get “fed” from the cycle of poverty, which is partially fed by our shitty maternity leave). Why are Americans so fucking concerned/angry about money going…
This line of thinking is exactly why we’re here.
Jon Snow is super dead.
Jon Stark, however, is alive and kicking ass.