
Manufacturer liability is at the heart of that, too. If you can’t sue the gun companies, they are effectively accountable to no one. And so they can bring in astonishing profits without impediment or oversight.

Idk, I felt a little guilty for not voting in the primary (I tried, but didn’t get home before the polls closed), but tbh I’m not sure which candidate I agree with more and I’ll be voting blue in the general no matter what.

Nope, but someone asked them at the end if God was important to them.

He’s always had this touch of condescension about him towards her, but boy did it seem ratcheted up this debate. I suppose his primary wins have given him more confidence, but I found it an ugly turn-off.

As a Hillz supporter, thanks for being honest about this and not just telling me I’m an evil b*tch for supprting Hillary.

it’s amazing what a pass he’s gotten on SO much, not just his rude and unprofessional demeanor.

Like his supporters. You’d think Clinton was on the grassy knoll.

An early Italian version of the Rapunzel story had the girl’s pregnant mother send her husband into a witch’s garden to gather enough parsley to make a salad. The witch (who is apparently a pro-lifer?) catches him and makes him promise to give her the baby, whom she names “Petrosinella,” or “Parsley” and locks in a

I disagree with Sanders’ decision to frame gun manufacturer liability and immunity as an American jobs/manufacturing question.

if Hillary acted like Bernie, with the finger raised and pulling faces while she’s in the middle of a sentence, she’d be booed off the stage.

Damn, Bernie. I’m sure the criminal justice system would be willing to let a kid smoking pot avoid jail time if he paid a 5 billion dollar fine.

Eh, they have almost identical voting records. She was pushing universal healthcare in the early 90s and one of her major campaign themes in 08 was universal prek. She falls left of Sanders on gun control

Yep. The way a friend put it to me, Bernie is a snickerdoodle and Hillary is a chocolate chip cookie. You might prefer one type over the other, but either is 1000x better than a GOP shit cookie.

“Yet another”? My goodness, wasn’t it just a month or two ago that people were all up in arms because there weren’t enough? ;-)

I see other women yelling at the top of their lungs about this on Twitter, on Facebook, etc. but I damn sick of not seeing liberal men on my timelines hollering about this when they get on a soap box about nearly everything fucking else. I depend on conservative men and conservative women to infringe on the rights of

It induces menstruation when taken as tea or in large quantities. But that doesn’t mean it induces abortions.
Tried the parsley tea, got my period few days later. It’s cool.

Hell just got a whole lot classier.

Jesus Christ, could they all just hump his corpse and be done with it?

Thank you so much for sharing your story.