
Jesus fucking Christ. What you just did here is exactly why so many liberals like myself are so on the fence. We don’t like Clinton, but Sanders has issues that no one is willing to talk about, either, and we can’t ever talk about Clinton (such as addressing sexism she’s facing) without immediately having Sanders

Well, Obama promised to close Gitmo and we all know how that promise ended up.

I starting to wonder if Jess is a Hillary fan and is trying to get as many people as possible to show that her candidate prioritizes mental health.

typical chad behavior

What are you talking about? Why wouldn’t her official stated positions on issues not be a good source for...her positions? When I wonder what Sander’s stance on a particular issue is, I look at his website and see what he has publicly stated about it. That’s the point of having a resource that lays out an candidates’

sadly, i think the commenter is just a plain old idiot.

She also has a voting record more liberal than 85% of the senators she sat with, including Obama. I’m voting for Bernie, but the idea that she is somehow a closet republican is completely ridiculous.

I do not understand the venom that has come out about Hillary. She is no more corporate whore than our beloved Obama but people are just furious about her. I get that people like Bernie, and I do too, but this viciousness is slightly unhinged.

In 100 years someone might look back at that and really wonder who Chad was. Or perhaps more likely the tree will have been killed by some sort of exotic beetle and Chad’s legacy will be destroyed.

Middle Dakota is real god dammit!!! :P

Too bad for Hillary’s donors they’ll never know about this speech she made on national television and streamed to the internet.

This shit again. This is the second time ive seen it on gawker media. No, Bill did not criticize Obama. It was taken completely out of context.

what you americans don’t and have never understood is that all of canada is 20 minutes from the deep woods. *all of it*.

If you’re going with the college student = adult analogy, then you must extend it to college = work. If visitors were coming to tour my workplace and a group of coworkers behaved in this manner, they would be fired immediately.

This is the impression I get too. I’m guessing by “got my wife’s blessing” Kanye actually meant “Went on an overly long and vague rant about this particular line which she half listened to while futzing on Instagram until eventually saying “Huh? Yeah, sounds good babe.””

honestly WHAT ARE THE CHANCES they finally found another use for this wig

I’ll never forget the junior prom.

yeah.. as someone who required the surgical removal of babybunnybunny three years ago, i begged the supervising OB to do this. he balked of course.

little did they know, i just didn’t bathe the kid for three months. boom!

So you are making an Adam Sandler movie?