
Someone on another site (I don’t recall which one) suggested that if every black person in America were to buy a gun, we’d have gun control measures in about 15 minutes. True, sadly.

Regardless of differences in parenting styles, I’m calling Madonna the bad guy in this because it’s obviously her people leaking all this shit to the press.

all the heat radiates from the hellfire pit that is the uterus. Does no one else prepare their food on their abdomens? No? Just me? Like a little otter.

How else do you get the perfectly packed roll?

Only hiring women is a great way of making sure women sushi chefs can ply their trade, working in a work environment where they aren’t mercilessly harassed or frozen out by male traditionalists for “invading” a male-dominated trade, or just plain sexually harassed in what is something of a misogynistic society

The odd part is, if he really believes that garbage why does the rest of Japanese society expect women to cook everything else? Have sushi chefs figured out something in biology no one else in the world has identified? He should write a scientific paper.

Old people. It’s why America is taking the bold step of making sure very, very few people have enough money to retire. Thus keeping old people at work until they are too infirmed to actually get out of bed and complain.

As a food scientist, I can tell you that sex is extremely important in food preparation. It’s not a matter of gender; it’s entirely biological. A few science facts:

So we all agree that he went out and had a copy made, right?

In celebrity cases, like when that Wahlberg wanted one, it’s usually because they want to own a restaurant/bar, and you cannot have a California liquor license with a felony record. Not really an issue for travel (he’s not on probation at this point), and CA isn’t a state that bans felons from voting forever.

I feel you. When mini-knishes are passed at parties I can’t help but smirk.

When you explain it like that it sounds like myth brought about by travelers who have no frame of reference because they have never seen one in their home land.

As a Lizard Person, Fiorina presumably has a cloaca.

She’s just covering her bases in case it ends up not being real. See, science says she has a vagina but everyone knows science can’t be trusted. She’s never seen her own vagina so she can’t be entirely sure it wasn’t made up by liberals in order to have more fun abortions.

Why must I explain basic truths here? Because it is a bad place. You know the one. It is where they pull out all those baby parts from and then sell them. Duh.

I’d bang both of them until my pussy fell off but I have the decency to hate myself for it.

Lies, that’s Planned Parenthood’s catalog of baby lungs for sale.

It IS crazy.

New kinja burner handle: Cindy DuPre, Loan Officer

See, this is why I only eat the artisanal, small batch, bean to bar chocolate made by the Snickers family.