
I think you have a narrow perception of Chinese media because there are a ton of original Chinese media franchises, but these rip offs get media attention stateside, and the only shows. Also Western audiences aren’t part of the target demo and what we end up seeing get subbed and sold to streaming services are period

They don’t mind one bit via repetition. Everything is different, not just CGI quality. For instance most of their movies and tv shows are not grounded in reality, any part of it. For instance their acting is just plain bad and everybody acts the same within their stereotyped character. Lots of posing and blue steel. C

I feel awful for Cox. His depiction of Matt Murdock/Daredevil is up there with Evans’s Captain America and RDJ’s Iron Man as the most accurate, most nuanced live action portrayal of a superhero ever. And the worst rub is that his show is being cancelled not because it is bad or unpopular, but entirely due to corporate

I think he wrote himself into a corner that he can’t come up with a satisfactory way to get out of. He knows the broad strokes of the story he wants to tell, but he can’t get all the pieces from where they are to where they need to be in a way that’s narratively compelling and feels natural.

I think he’s got pages. Thousands and Thousands of them.

Geralt is around 100 years old in Witcher 3, ciri is 21. in the books they meet when she is 8, so Geralt is supposed to be nearly 85 years old at the start of the books. So his young days are long gone.

Given the age of the actress playing Ciri, my guess is that this will start at nearly the beginning of the novels, if not before. Most of the scars that Geralt has in the games were acquired during the course of the novels, as was (mild spoiler?) the one running across Ciri’s face. Heck, the recovery from the latter

You know- maybe ending Mad Max with Fury Road is for the best.

1. The UI is fine and works. Is it the best? No. Worst? No.

Here’s hoping it gets replaced with a pure Daughters of the Dragon series (not holding my breath) 

No shit!

No, sellers should not have direct communication line with the buyers. Sellers and buyers need to communicate within the ecosystem of that particular online platform in order to settle any disputes. If seller and buyer have direct communication without going through Amazon’s system, then it becomes a “he said, she

Good luck with this. Last time I mentioned “death of the author” in relation to J.K. Rowling on Kotaku people thought I actually wanted to kill her.

Faramir has an entire monologue agreeing with you. And, Tolkien has said in the past that the deeds of the Blue Wizards in the Far East were instrumental in the War of the Ring, saying that the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth may not have succeeded if they hadn’t gone on their missions. Sounds like great opportunity for

but at its core Solo was unnecessary, there were no questions people needed answering to tell.”

Ok. If I wasn’t sold on this before, that transition from “Her” to “A Hero” got the job done. Marvel has made me fistpump again. And as a sidenote, with this single trailer, I think BlockBuster is ready to make a comeback.

The content has seriously deteriorated since the Founders left.

The iPhone 9 is still going strong in the non-darkest timeline.

Charlie Cox revealed season three will include “an homage” to the infamous hallway fight scene from season one.