
Lois: “What does the S stand for?”

I love watching omnivores taking advantage of a free buffet.

I’ve played enough RPGs in my time, and main’d a Mage in Wrath of the Lich King so let me tell you the real answer. It’s both. It’s Frostfire. Has the properties of ice, but burns like fire.

Give a mirror for non-US-based audiences.

Maybe clarify that this is not actually affecting the Drive cloud service but only the apps labeled Drive on Macs and PCs.

  • The Xenomorph has 2 brains - one that will always know where you are, and one that controls the body and is given hints by the first brain.

No, seriously. Did you actually watch the whole video? “More of it” is literally not the case here.

I’m convinced you didn’t actually watch the video. Also, if a company decides to put bad CGI in a trailer and then officially release that trailer, calling the CGI out for being bad is entirely fair.

I really hope it’s just flashbacks. It would make sense - ptsd doesn’t vanish just because the source of it vanishes.

I agree that champagne bottles are pretty straightforward, but:

I absolutely will not! Not because I think ‘purse’ is inappropriate because of some gender association... but because they aren’t purses. They are hand bags.

All valuable advice.

Well obviously you aren’t going to need a jacket up on that fucking cross you’ve put yourself on, hoss.

Also, Qyburn’s giant crossbow rocket launcher is terrible and looks like it belongs in Army of Darkness or Dragonheart or any of those ‘90s medieval fantasy movies where they have impossibly complex weaponry just to make it more badass, and the fact it was hidden in giant wagon that had collapsible walls was even