
To make the biggest “no fuck no” is : to install it you’d have to enable installation from unknown sources. Which is almost a guarantee you’ll get fucked in the future. Even if you install the good apk this time. Now taking control of your device is (on some older versions of Android) as simple as sending a text.

(second comment in a row in which I say this : I’m french)
Real camembert or brie would not hold itself. If it’s solid enough to hold then it’s... I don’t know what it is, but it’s not camembert or brie.

(I am french)
I prefer my burger with fancy blue cheese. Though totally respect your choice, melty american cheese is very good. I just need stronger things.

In some games I think the guild itself is the owner of the guild building ? The guild leaders set up permissions and roles inside the building grounds and if one them leaves there are other guild leaders or a line of succession for who has admin rights. I would guess if Star Citizen should have guild ships, they

If it’s frowned upon in the community, the written rules (game logic/code however you’d say it) should reflect that. But that way players would not know it’s possible to derank in the first place.

Simple to solve. Print a value, keep another in memory.

The first stands were very basic fighter types for the most part. The later stands are different.

“Battlefield 1"

I’d never thought about how you’d say it in english, but reading “potatoes au gratin” made it feel much more chic than it really is.

Almost rethorical question:

Ajin was pretty good also. Obviously they’ve improved over time.

You’re confusing 2D animation with hand drawn animation.

The animes produced by Polygon Picture are pretty good. And full 3D CG.

Was it to sell figurines ?

“Dominate” is “psychic” ability.

The recent mp3 encoders aren’t bad anymore above the 200kpbs setting. (recent as in 2007+)

A quick google search says it’s civil law, so a simple precedent doesn’t set the course for all the following rulings.

I only remember that Dracula had like 3 or 5 different forms and that I enjoyed deeply beating him repeatedly faster and faster.

There are only 4 “subsections” (+1 dlc). The White Orchard map is very very small in comparison with all the others. And those subsections are story justified. Like Solstheim in Skyrim. also does that for battlefield 2 and battlefield 2142