
I already bloody know. And it is still stupid, since does this meme not apply to sexual related things or movies or bloody anything ?
Sorry for the tone, but there are too many stupid greys who pounded me with that “It’s Reggie who did it first”, I don’t care who did it first -and I already know-, nor does the internet

Dude get your fact and timeline straight, it’s really a google search away.

I modded Skyrim myself (in the sense that I made my own mods)... I know you can do a lot, but I also know a lot of its limitation, and find this engine underwhelming nowadays, it has been made with modding in mind, and this does not allow it to be something as impressive as the Unreal Engine for example...

I know the origin of this meme

Wasn’t the same engine and the same company.

Since when does this meme only applies to Nintendo ? It applies to so many domains of human interests (mostly science and biology), it would be a shame to limit it.

They said when Skyrim was released they planned to do two games with that engine.

Got him.

Why did I start top left ?
Got him.

Got him

But... A 1TB drive cost just $10 less than a 2TB... WHY NOT JUST SELL 2TB ?

And, before you say it: Yes, we know, that’s just the setting it’s in. It’s based off blah blah blah, and it’s staying true to the books, where blah blah blah.

Now it would makes sense that our soldiers have crappy aim and our organization has no funds.

Because, seriously, why did my international organization funded by all the nations in the world is poor as church mouse (never used that one) and recruit the worst soldiers in the world ?

What do people think those things run ? It’s not like there’s much choice...
It’s all computers anyone can buy or build, why wouldn’t it run a consumer OS if it just has to read a looped video file ?

Doesn’t make much sense either to support it. Putting files and folder in any order isn’t efficient, not for the developper, and not for most users. Ergo, no support.

If you really want to have things in the order you want, put numbers in the names...
“01 - nameOfTheFolder”

That was some explanation on some reddit. But for some reason I really doubt it...

But it is still a very open platform at its core... For proof the Blackphone.

I don’t think they say it in the games, but in the books it is made very clear that witcher are creations made by alchemists/magicians/geneticists, and the process of mutations they made is limited to male humans.
In W3, it seems there’s an elf witcher if I understood well what the in-game books and parchments

Well that’s just it, he’s a witcher, and witchers can’t be (biologically) female, the mutagens they use only works on the Y chromosome.
Because in this fantasy land, they know genetic science, but not the steam engine.
(I read the books)