I don't know anything about this manga, could you explain or link to something please ?
I don't know anything about this manga, could you explain or link to something please ?
There have been decent, and even good live action adaptations in the past. But I'm not sure the studios fully comprehend why they were good.
Though I'm a "black commenter" it seems I can't ungrey you :/
We'll always have Snacktaku.
You program ALL the inputs, knowing exactly how every enemies behaves in relation to the avatar movements. The RNG in TAS is tricked by using what is called "mutli-segmented run" aka : lots of save points to get exactly what you want from the RNG.
It's not exactly that, the player programs the inputs before hand and then record it the visual aspect ie: the emulator inputing the inputs. It's not a recording played faster.
Some friendS of mine put some tasty quotes (of eroctic novels) in very serious philosophy essays when we were last year of "high school" (aka "lycée" in France)...
You don't notice, I notice, personal preferences :)
Why does every anime has to have its "beach episode" ? :(
All I see are belts and strings.
Maybe point binoculars at the window before going in pointing assault rifles at people ??
During all the run of this manga it was clearly a one way relationship. Hinata had feeling for Naruto, who only had eyes for Sakura, herself being in love with Sasuke, who, being him, was only preoccupied with how good is hair looked and the most roundabout way of achieving his goals.
Not written at all in fact. Except in fanfics and the very last chapter.
They're racists, they don't want to keep the status quo :/
A difference with the conservative on the other side of the ocean is that those parties (to my knowledge) don't have strong support from lobbies :/
Maybe yes, we -still- don't have such backward thinking people in Europe (because that's what "Conservative" means => "keeping the status quo")
True, and the Internet really has provided a place for crazies to communicate between them.
But if we really stopped talking about it, it could be already dead, buried, and only remembered in some obscure sociological studies in 10 years.