I have a professional mail, but it can be opened only through the company's network and servers. So not a phone thing
I have a professional mail, but it can be opened only through the company's network and servers. So not a phone thing
I do have a job ^^
It's weird I almost never receive any emails sent by a human... All human traffic is through texts, hangouts, facebook, skype or phone calls...
Which is exactly what you're doing in turn ^^
With my first girlfriend (with whom I spent several years) we spoke a lot about that first kiss and its circumstances, and I think that all the talking we had about such many things is the reason we still are very close friends.
Yep. I am myself white (and bi, so there that...), and as much as I can empathize with black people I don't quite know my place in this. But I'm not a native english speaker, so I will probably never use english swearing or racial slurs (or at least in a spontaneous way)
For that matter, I think every human qualifies for that. Not wanting to be told they can't do something.
I totally agree with you, but I thought one of the Sims' goal was to provide a character generator capable of making "likelike" characters :/
Speaking of Elder Scrolls, I found -watching at these pictures- that the faces of recentely featured screenshots on Kotaku were much better than any face showed here...
If you play the "survival" part of the game, it is wheat and it is used to make bread, cookies and cakes. But if you play in "creative" mode, well, it's just cosmetic, but the reason to play "creative" is because you want to create something, like in the Sims when you use the cheat to have lots of money and will put…
There isn't any ads in the messenger app though ? and in the main app I think
And so why use DVORAK at all ? If as soon as you leave your home you become confused, I don't think it's good strategy, even if it means typing slightly faster :)
It means the person is using an actual word, and who does that ? Oh yes... My mum... I'm sad. I've got to go fix her computer. Again.
Or hopefully just use AIs... Because I may not want to play online ? Just because, I d o n t w a n t t o
It's kind of out of the competition, first because it's not a "laptop" bag, it's just a bag for everyday use for a student (wealthy student) designed with a tablet/laptop pocket, second because contrary to the other bag shown here, it's not plastic. but leather.
An Arthur&Aston bag:
I don''t understand all the hype around me about those boards... Even though I could have the skills to put them to use, I don't see the point of having one for "real world" usage and I could buy either something which has already what I'm searching for or make that thing out of more specialized equipement...