
Your Body Is Now Public Property

Not glossy pleeaase :(
It's just too dirty too quickly

We actually use a capital "A" x)
We're as dumb as others.

I think I know what you mean :)
I was just adding proof to N0staglia's comment

Yes, the sennheiser hd 600 is often under 300$/€


He's doing Moriarty style code with his hand waving !

Look in the description

I would like to paint my Sennheiser HD 598 ^^
But I don't have the time and patience to learn about painting on plastic

All the Nokia phones here x)
Do all the others big companies left that market ?

I've always wondered, how non french native speakers understood that name and why it has in itself a frightening aura ?
As a french native speaker, I understood immediatly why that name could scare people, but for little english speaking kids, how do they understand it ?

I followed 2 years of maths-physics in college, but then had some personal issues and, to be short because I won't expose my life here ^^", had to change plans :/
So I'm fairly confident I have a good understanding of maths but not quite what I wanted to be/do/have when I was fourteen.

I wanted to do maths (as in research and such) when I was younger but career and studies choices kind of decided otherwise

I actually have the HD 598 not the 558 ^^
But I didn't wanted to scare people off with it (we must admit, it is not designed to please the "masses")

I actually have the HD 598 not the 558^^
But I didn't wanted to scare people off with it (we must admit, it is not designed to please the "masses")

There's the PC350 which is the exact same but with closed back ;)

Sennheiser HD 558

The mix between this article and this gif is just too much x)

Very interested ! My steam name and avatar is the same as here :)
Thank you :)

Very interested ! My steam name and avatar is the same as here :)