
There will be a delta of 20 to 30 degrees (C°) if you do not clean your fan from time to time. Obsessive ?

Better, though less ballyhooed, is a headphone jack in the controller that, in conjunction with a change in the console's settings, can output all of a game's audio to controller-connected headphones, a trick most recently seen on the Wii U. Call that setting the Domestic Bliss option. Your most beloved housemates

Lots of anything, really. But lots.

Why are all Youtube videos starting all at once now in Kinja ?
what's up with that ?

I can't edit anymore so I'll add it like this.

Not even CRT monitors emitted "unhealthy" radiation...

Just began to play it this afternoon (GMT) x)

A cheap rippoff from the Silmarillion :

1:30 it's almost pr0n o.O'


Well return it, unless it's your typing that damaged the LED they'll send you another.
None of my LED failed, and I really can't see how a LED (which are known to be very solid and durable electronics) could fail after only 3 months unless hit very (very) hard.

Tech hardware news and marketing, sometimes, unless you have a degree in electronics it'll just f*ck you. (i'm not talking about Apple, those aren't tech news, they're just marketing, they could sell chicken it'll be the same show)

Obviously between friends the controller makes no difference, the mouse+keyboard vs controller is an argument only for competitive playing, between friends (unless you have a pro in your friends) the controller would be quasi-non consequential, the level is just too low.

Obviously between friends the controller makes no difference, the mouse+keyboard vs controller is an argument only for competitive playing, between friends (unless you have a pro in your friends) the controller would be quasi-non consequential, the level is just too low.

I was a natural leftie, yet I was taught to write with the right hand by my teacher. (I think it was me who couldn't tell which hand I was more comfortable with, I was too shy to correct her...)

The controls are not horrible, they're difficult to master and weigh but very well thought and balanced.

It's high given that many keyboard at this price have macros and software gimmicks (but they rarely give this high quality feeling)

I paid the full price (and in € so 20% more) ^^ Lucky you

Good for typing and gaming, and available in red, brown and blue Cherry MX switches.