
It's called "thoughtcrime".

Ok :)
I do not keep myself very informed about ballistic tech, but the idea of magnetic cannon had my attention :)

Is there not a magnetic field cannon (railgun/GAUSS CANNON!) in development for these ships ?

Well, just one month ago, the first 3DS linker was released, soon to be sold worldwide...

Will it have improved physics ?

You got to love that thinking :

NVM delete that, double post

It's an "all in one" watercooler ^^

But for the cpu...

Obviously (the hands are not the same) there was someone capable in the studio.

Or teach her, it's not that hard to hold those things right.

That's when you play against AIs only.

Run, you fools

I'm all into pc hardware, yes it's impossible, because sony and ms both sell at loses. Only big companies can do that.

You are kidding me ? You have to.

You do realize all cores aren't the same ?
There's architecture, frequencies, transistors, melting quality and so on.

You have to take an "oath" to have the citizenship in the US ?
What's the oath ? Isn't that crazy ?

Come in France, I'll introduce you to some cheese, they're very nice once you get to know them :P